It's more of generations challenge. It's a way to do everything in the sims and more. Thanks for stopping by!
You choose whatever life span you please.
I personally use MCCC to set my age.
Baby: 2 days
Toddler: 7 days
Child: 28 Days
Teen: 42 Days
Young Adult: 56 days
Adult: 56 days
Elder: 47 Days
Also a year in my game is 56 days or 14 days per season.
It is not a 100 baby challenge unless you want to add that to one of your objectives.
You can play with an immortal sim or with aging off.
Choose whatever objectives you want to do or don't do.
Since I am trying to get all of the Sims 4 Achievements I actually need to have 100 generations to complete one of them.
As far as skills I'm not trying to have one sim max out all skills it will be an accumulations of the generations as will the college degrees, careers, achievements, aspirations and everything else.
I hope that makes sense.
Thanks for joining me!