Welcome to The Freezer Bunny Club! This reading circle is an open space for the members to share our stories and discuss them with each other. Each week, starting on Mondays, we will focus on reading/catching up on one of the stories. The author can post a list of discussion questions, and/or ask for advice, suggestions, or thoughts on certain aspects of their stories and writing in order to foster meaningful and constructive discussions. Though each of the stories will get the spotlight in a rotating fashion, general questions, happy sharing of screenshots, and cheering along of any of the stories in the circle at any time is also encouraged!
Our fifteenth week of discussion, from September 21st to 27th, is focused on Ridley Residence by @Skeilah!
Make sure to check the post below for detailed information about the stories and archived discussions. (The adorable freezer bunnies in the banner were made by SimLaughLove!)
@Skeilah @_sims_Yimi @mercuryfoam Thank you for the replies. These will come in handy later on in my story. Because of your answers, I also started thinking about TV shows that included characters I'd aspire to write. One of those characters is Klaus from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals. I think he's an amazing villain/antagonist because I've always kept liking him even though he does horrendous things. I think it's because he indeed believes he has the best intentions and that his intentions are the only right ones. It helps that his intentions are always to serve and do right by his family (although they might view it differently). He has such emotional depth and I would want to be able to write someone so real in his emotions (even though he's a vampire and couldn't possibly be real).
@_sims_Yimi I love the answers and how you took pictures with it. Such a creative way of doing things. Now I wish the others asked questions too. ? I'd love to see the other characters discuss their story like Arthur did. The hypocrisy from Arthur on the last question though. Pretty amazing.
Hi everyone, I'm slowly reading. I promise I'm still here and I'm looking forward to answering all the questions. I've got a bit of a stomach bug and migraine. I've been home from work for two days but I'm finally feeling better. Loving your story, @_sims_Yimi's and everyone's been asking cool questions. I hope to catch up this weekend.
"AdamsEve1231;c-17556512" wrote: Hi everyone, I'm slowly reading. I promise I'm still here and I'm looking forward to answering all the questions. I've got a bit of a stomach bug and migraine. I've been home from work for two days but I'm finally feeling better. Loving your story, @_sims_Yimi's and everyone's been asking cool questions. I hope to catch up this weekend.
Don't worry about it! Stomach bugs are the worst. I had one just the other week, so I know how much it sucks :sweat_smile: I hope you feel better soon. Just take it easy and maybe try stay away from bright screens if they make your migraine worse.
@AdamsEve1231 I hope you're feeling better soon! No worries about taking your time reading♥
I've also been kind of absent from the discussion this week because I've had a lot of work (housework and work-work, haha), but I've been lurking and reading y'all's discussion about Tales of Camelot and other questions, and I've been itching to get into it. It's fascinating to see all your points.
GENERAL - Cats or dogs? This is such a hard question! I'm more naturally into cats because I'm just a cat person through and through, but I actually currently only have a doggie and no cats. When I'm at my parents' home I love being with their cat, but at my own home in France I only have a doggo that I'm 100% in love with. It was so hard for me to consider getting a dog because I'm not a dog person per se, but I can't imagine not having my lil' Pickle Princess nearby (my dog's name is Pickle, haha). So maybe I'm not really a dog person... but more a Pickle person? :tongue:
What are your general thoughts on the story so far? I tend to gush about your story in comments on your blog and in your thread, but really, it's that good. All the different elements of the story come together so well. The writing, the story plot itself, the character development, THE FLAWLESS IMAGES, everything. You weave all these elements together with mastery to create an immersive story that I'm really, truly enjoying so far.
WRITING - What do you think of my writing style? Are the sentences clear? Too short? Too long? Am I saying the same words repeatedly? I enjoy your writing style very much. To me, the way you write is very effective for the story you're telling. Even though I'm only reading and not hearing it, it's like I'm hearing someone tell me an epic story. The sentences are clear, your paragraphs are well-written, and I don't think I've noticed any of them being too long or too short. I usually go back and read a chapter twice before commenting, but it's never because any part of the story was unclear in your writing. I also haven't noticed any sort of repetitive language because you have and utilize a very large vocabulary. You're very good at writing and that makes the story a very satisfying read.
- I sometimes switch between points-of-view as the story is going on. Is this confusing to read? Should a writer stick with one pov, or is it all right to peek into multiple people's heads in the same chapter? What do you think? I don't think that a story should necessarily only focus on one POV in a chapter. More often than not, only having information from a single character makes the story feel slightly shallow (not always, but in many cases). I haven't felt that in ToC. There are some chapters where you focus on a single character but also add thoughts and POVs from other characters and this fleshes out the story and makes it more interesting for me. I don't think it's confusing at all, you present it in such a way that it makes the story intricate, but your writing is so clear and expressive that it's never confusing for me when you switch to another character's POV. I particularly love when you give minor characters moments to shine (like, the iconic section in 1.6 where poor Sarah is excited for her night only to have to cancel it because of Arthur's shenanigans... that was amazing and a very welcome humorous section in the story). Without this, I think the story would be less immersive for me. I want to feel like I'm a part of the universe, and having thoughts from an array of characters makes this easy!
- My chapters tend to hover around 3,000 words, with some longer and some shorter. What do you think about the length? I sometimes have trouble hitting the right story beats with fewer words per chapter, but I realize that too long a chapter can overstay its welcome. I am NOT the one to discuss chapter length, because my "episodes" tend to be behemoths and I'm obviously not very good at having the restraint to make them shorter or divide them into shorter parts. However, I will say that I've never felt that your chapters are too long. More often than not, I think to myself "no! it's over already??", and this is because you have just the right amount of story in your chapters. The length for me is irrelevant because the story contained in each chapter is well structured, detailed, and developed.
STORY - What do you think about the main characters (Arthur, Gawain, Morgana)? I could spend hours discussing why I think each of the main characters is excellent. They each have their moments, and you've taken great care to make sure they're detailed and deep characters. As I said before, I was familiar with their names because of the legends but I've never taken the time to read almost anything about them, and yet now I feel like their stories ARE the ones you tell.
Here's what I think about the characters individually: Morgana is a very sympathetic main character. I love her spirit, and I think she's an excellent heroine for the story. I particularly love seeing that you've not held back on detailing her emotions about the things that happen. I particularly love that her naturally inquisitive nature and desire to help and know about things that affect her can and most likely will lead her into very difficult situations (spying on Richard, helping Merlin escape, investigating the May Day incident), but she's been developed so fully in these chapters so far that I can't help but cheer her on even when it's obvious that she's going to get in trouble. I'm also very excited to see what's going to happen in the future with her powers. Gawain, well, he's the best boy and I love him. He's naturally a very positive character because he provides a good insight into the things that the "powerful" characters are lacking, mainly empathy, humility, certain everyday skills, etc. It's so easy to root for him because the things he does are motivated by a desire to better himself and not by greed, envy, pride, or anything of the sort. I love him! Finally, Arthur... well, it's no secret that I was not a fan for a while, but you've done a wonderful job of humanizing him and making me feel.... sympathy?!... for Arthur?! Yes, he's snooty, vain, and insufferable, but you've shown us that he's also not infallible; his greed has gotten him into very difficult situations (the poisoning), plus he's insecure and more than a little concerned that he's not perfect. I think his relationship with Gawain is going to help a lot, though I can imagine that it's going to be difficult for him to truly tone down his unsavory tendencies. But it can happen, and I believe it because he's well-written!
Side-note, but I adored his little interview with the Watcher. I loved that. He's a little snot-nosed cretin but in such a human and vulnerable way, we love to see it.
- What do you think about the side characters (Uther, Richard, Gaius)? They're not as fleshed out as the main characters, obviously, but I still feel like we've gotten nice windows into their minds and motivations. Well, mostly. Some of them remain mysteries because the story dictates it, but that's what I love about a good epic story. We know a lot about everyone but there are always more mysteries to uncover. You give us just enough about the side characters to keep us guessing about where the story could go. It's excellent.
Here are some brief thoughts about the side characters so far: -Uther: I can see where Arthur got most of his unsavory traits. He's insufferable, but also human and I can't help but feel a little sympathy for him, especially when he talks about Ygraine and when he interacts with his children. -Agravaine: I'm excited to see what his role will be in the story. So far he hasn't had much of a role, but I just know you're setting something up and it's going to be exciting. -Gaius: I like his role in the story so far, and I was happy to learn about his stance on magic. I wonder if his knowing about Morgana's powers is going to come up later. -Ygraine: I want to know more about her! Uther's flashbacks were a highlight of the story for me, and I want to know more about Ygraine! -Richard: Snot-nosed little s***. But interesting. -Merlin: (Is he a side character? I feel like eventually he's going to be a main character but for now his role isn't too developed) Again, I want to know more! I can't wait for he and Morgana to grow up and find each other again. I want to know what's happened to him so far. -Helios: Dark, mysterious, and handsome... I'm excited to see what his spying will lead to. -Sarah: Iconic. I stan.
- What is your favourite moment in the story, and what is your least favourite? Why? If I had to choose a moment that made me laugh, and you can guess, it's Sarah's little section in 1.6. I just really, really love side characters getting humorous little moments like this, and that was wonderful. Stan Sarah! But if I had to choose a moment that is relevant to the main plot, I think I have two that are related to each other: first, when Arthur's greed leads him to get poisoned by eating the honey cake. I think having such a horrible consequence by indulging this flaw was instrumental in me turning my opinion about Arthur around. Second moment: when the hints about Morgana being magical are confirmed when she breaks the curse in Arthur. That was exciting and suspenseful, a really great moment in the story.
Least favorite? I guess I'd have to choose this one, not because it's a bad moment in the writing because it's not, it's fantastically written, but because it was difficult to read. When Gawain is willing to fight to the death against the shady man kidnapping Morgana, that was so hard to read! It was exciting and powerful, but I was horrified that it seemed that Gawain was going to die at the hands of this evil man. Calling it my least favorite makes it sound like I don't like that section of the story, but I absolutely do, so this might be a useless answer :tongue:
- Where do you think the story is headed? Where would you like to see it go? I think there's so much still to learn. In only seven (eight? Including the prologue) chapters you've set up so many mysteries that have yet to unfold. I'm up to 1.7, and the amount of plot yet to happen has me all abuzz with excitement. The things I'm most excited about: Morgana's storylines involving spying on Richard of Nemeth, the development of her powers, and her investigation of the May Day incident; Arthur and Gawain's unfolding friendship; and Merlin's eventual return. As to what I think will happen, and this is just guessing, but I'm pretty sure Morgana is going to be horrified about what she's going to find out in her investigation of Ada's death, and this revelation is going to get her in big trouble and she's going to have awful thoughts about her father. I can imagine Arthur and Gawain are going to have very difficult moments in the future, as well. It can't all be flowers and cakes and bunny carvings, and even though they're slowly getting to like each other (as much as Arthur denies it), they're massively different and this is going to lead to lots of tension.
Where would I like to see it go? Honestly @_sims_Yimi I couldn't answer this truthfully, because I'm truly on the ride that your story has me on, and while I anticipate and expect some things to happen, I don't particularly have any desires about where I want the plot to go. This is to say, I'm under your spell and I'm just dying to learn more about the story you are telling.
VISUALS - What do you think about the pictures taken? I have a habit of showing close-ups to showcase their emotions. Are they too close, or do you like them this way? No, no, no. They are not too close! I love them. I think the variety of shots you have really showcases the visual beauty of the story you're telling. I can't compliment you enough on the quality of your visual storytelling; even though your story would still be excellent without any sort of visual aid, the images are lush, detailed, dark when they need to be, and beautiful. I haven't thought for a second that any images are unnecessary.
- What do you think about the size? They're now 1200 x 675, and 1100 x 612 in the next chapter. Are they too big? When I'm on your blog they're quite large but this doesn't bother me at all. When I'm in the Wordpress reader they're scaled down anyway, so the size of your images is fine. In fact, having them be so large really helps if at any point I want to zoom in to see the details in the background, and since your sets are so detailed this happens quite frequently, so the large size is actually helpful.
- In TS3, we could tilt the camera to give dynamic angles to our pictures. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that in TS4. Did they remove the option? I can't really answer this, but when I take screenshots I use the Tab mode, + or- to zoom in and out, Q and E to go up and down, and then the mouse to change the angle, and this works pretty well for me to find some dynamic angles for my screenshots. Not that I think your pictures aren't dynamic, because they totally are.
- For purposes completely unrelated to the story *cough* I need magic. All the magic. Do you have any good CC for visual effects? Alternatively, is it worth buying the Realm of Magic game pack? This I definitely cannot answer! I don't use magic in my game, sadly. My Sims game has been fully consumed with my story and since that's based on "reality" I haven't played around with magic yet. Your story makes me really itch to play something more fantastical, though...
MISC - The white pose statue and I are at war after I spawned him at the bottom of a pond by accident and forgot about him for a week. He has sworn watery revenge. I need allies. Are you with me, or against me? I am completely with you. That statue needs to be knocked down a few pegs! Down with the statue!
- I like having my cast comment on things out-of-story. If you want, you can ask questions of them, and I'll write the answer from their POV (they may not be completely truthful, though :wink: ) Oooooh, I love this. Especially seeing since Arthur's answer special was so beautifully done! Let's see: Morgana: what do you think you'll learn from your various investigations (into Richard, the May Day incident, etc.)? Do you really think you should be opening those cans of worms? Where do you think Merlin is? Do you think magic is truly bad or are you only afraid of your powers because of your father's stance on them? And finally, are you going to give our girl Sarah some more time off? Girl needs it! (kii at these basic questions, but I just had to ask~~)
Sorry if this is a huge barrage of thoughts! I have a lot of feelings about your wonderful story :love:
"Duvelina;c-17555559" wrote: I also have a discussion question for the group. How would you write a nuanced morally grey villain, a villain with a soft side? You don't want people to dislike them outright. You want to create some likability so it's hard to hold on to a grudge even though you really want to. He/she does some evil stuff one moment, but shows a vulnerability you can't ignore the next. How do you write someone like this in a subtle way so it doesn't seem wildly out of character?
I loved this question! Discussion questions like this are really useful for my writing. When it comes to my story, I have had a few villains but I never want to make them too evil because... well, because I like creating stories where everything has a reason for being, and my villains all have more to them than just being rude, or mean, or evil. If I think about my villains, I can think of a few (and no spoilers since we haven't discussed my story yet); an immature womanizer, an insensitive and catty drama queen, a rude wannabe mastermind, and a truly dark character, and they each get some sort of moment where they're seen as not just evil. I try to do this in a way that seems natural and, as you say, not out of character. My story develops mostly in real time (as set by the story), but there are special chapters where I go beyond the main story and I try to use these as a way to add depth to the personalities seen in the main story. This is where I like to slowly add nuance to characters, especially ones that aren't as likable. I think that this can be achieved by giving insight into why the evil characters do what they do or by showing some sort of vulnerability or insecurity that could explain their actions, and this can be done by writing sections where the characters are fleshed out. Though this doesn't necessarily absolve them of their bad actions, knowing more about their stories is a natural way of having sympathy for them even while still disliking them. And I think this is way more effective than having, say, a main "good" character asking for sympathy for an "evil" one or by having the "evil" one somehow taking a 180 turn; it's cool if someone expresses sympathy for or doubt about an evil character's nuances, but it's even better (for me) when the readers can judge this for themselves by including writing that can humanize the evil characters.
Sometimes this works, I think, and sometimes it doesn't! But I think having more details about someone can help in our perception of them. I'm no expert by any means, so I'm not sure if this is truly an effective way of writing a nuanced, morally grey character, but it's something that makes me more open to them and I try to include this in my writing.
So maybe I'm not really a dog person... but more a Pickle person? :tongue:
I demand Pickle Pictures! Here’s one of my cats to make it fair ^^ https://i.ibb.co/V0yPrMk/91503792-2481232502138476-6384654123148509184-n.jpg
I particularly love when you give minor characters moments to shine (like, the iconic section in 1.6 where poor Sarah is excited for her night only to have to cancel it because of Arthur's shenanigans... that was amazing and a very welcome humorous section in the story).
Thank you for letting me know! I was in doubt on whether to add that or leave it on the cutting room floor to make room for the main cast, so I’m glad that you’re enjoying the minor bits ^^
Morgana is a very sympathetic main character. I love her spirit, and I think she's an excellent heroine for the story.
Question! Since the latest chapter focused exclusively on her, do you have an idea of what her flaws are? @mercuryfoam made the correct observation that her traits and flaws weren’t that fleshed out yet in previous chapters, so I was wondering if the latest one changed that.
Finally, Arthur... well, it's no secret that I was not a fan for a while, but you've done a wonderful job of humanizing him and making me feel.... sympathy?!... for Arthur?!
https://i.ibb.co/4d2Zmzv/06-25-20-7-02-07-PM.jpg “Ha! I knew you couldn’t resist me for long.”
-Richard: Snot-nosed little s***.
HAHAHAHAHA. I’ll let him know XDDDDD
When Gawain is willing to fight to the death against the shady man kidnapping Morgana, that was so hard to read! It was exciting and powerful, but I was horrified that it seemed that Gawain was going to die at the hands of this evil man.
There was a moment during the picture taking where I had Gawain on the bridge, and the man posing to strike at him. That picture when he’s suddenly right next to his face. You know the one. I didn’t know he was going to look so menacing, and it legitimately surprised me, especially because there was an in-game lightning strike right at that moment that illuminated his face 0.o The close-up one of his face while holding a sword over Gawain was like that, too. It’s like the in-game sim knew what was happening and wanted to give a good show 0.o
Okay, one more from me before I get to the questions part. This one is for everyone that wants to chip in. The legend of Arthur is, among other things, a tragedy. There are some very dark parts in it. I can axe some of them, but a few you can’t get rid of without breaking the story. I’ll never show anything of a graphic nature and most of it will be implied indirectly, but what do you think about the disclaimers on chapter 1.7 and 1.3?
https://i.ibb.co/mq9MDHG/06-25-20-7-02-17-PM.jpg "Okay, we’ve got some more questions from a reader! Let’s get-"
https://i.ibb.co/1MmTn9h/06-26-20-3-57-06-PM.jpg “Wait. Watcher, why are you in your pyjamas?” "…I’m not. This is a blouse."
https://i.ibb.co/8d6c8VM/06-25-20-7-00-00-PM.jpg “With pyjama bottoms. And… are those Christmas socks?” Hey, don’t judge my Christmas socks. We’re in quarantine, this is my work outfit now. Nobody can see my Christmas socks during a Zoom meeting, anyway. “What’s 'Zoom'?” "OKAY, let’s move on! First-"
https://i.ibb.co/1MmTn9h/06-26-20-3-57-06-PM.jpg “Nuh-uh! If you’re in pyjamas, I get to be in pyjamas, too. This dress is itchy.” “You’re a sim. You don’t get itchy.” “I do too. Let me change.” “Ugh… fine. Hang on.”
"Okay, first question. What do you think you'll learn from your various investigations (into Richard, the May Day incident, etc.)? Do you really think you should be opening those cans of worms?"
https://i.ibb.co/DV4xkNd/06-26-20-4-01-55-PM.jpg “Richard knew exactly what to say to get to me back during the ball. I don’t know if he paid a servant to spy, but I want to find out what I need to say to get to him. It doesn’t have to be really big. Just something to give me an edge. Maybe he has a crush on a noble girl. Maybe he’s into boys. Any secrets he doesn’t want people to know about work, too. Or maybe he’s really scared of the dark, or can’t deal with small rooms, or maybe there’s an animal he is afraid of?”
https://i.ibb.co/mq9MDHG/06-25-20-7-02-17-PM.jpg "Oh, yeah… speaking of which, aren’t you terrified of-"
https://i.ibb.co/JvqdLkw/06-26-20-4-10-21-PM.jpg “THANK YOU, Watcher! Next topic!” "All right. There’s still May Day. What do you expect to find?”
https://i.ibb.co/syWHSNX/06-26-20-4-03-36-PM.jpg “I don’t know. A criminal to have my father arrest, I hope. But it bothers me. If I lost someone important to me to a murderer, I’d want to see them brought to justice, too. I’m sure that peasant man feels the same way. He doesn’t have anyone left… and he doesn’t even have closure for Ada. No wonder he still cries. I know Merlin would be mad at me, but I can’t let it go.”
“Speaking of which. Next question… Where do you think Merlin is?"
https://i.ibb.co/sgVqNp6/06-26-20-4-01-33-PM.jpg “Oh, I know that one! He’s with the Druids!” “Druids?” “Yeah. When we were smaller, Millicent used to tell Merlin and I stories about the druids in the deep woods. She said they were peaceful, and kind, and heal people with magic like she and I can. She told us how to find them. We had to use our magic and follow the signs. Merlin is really good with magic, so he’ll find them in no time!”
https://i.ibb.co/QnhGspp/06-26-20-4-01-04-PM.jpg "He’s really sweet, you know? We found a baby bird in the gardens once. A cat stole it out of its mother’s nest. It didn’t make it – I didn’t know how to heal yet back then. But we tried really hard anyway. Merlin… he stayed up with the bird all night, trying to get it to eat and watching over it. When it died, he cried for almost a week." "I don’t know why I told you that. Don’t tell Arthur, okay?”
"Next one. I don't think you're gonna like this one. Do you think magic is truly bad or are you only afraid of your powers because of your father's stance on them?"
https://i.ibb.co/HC39mgg/06-26-20-4-04-14-PM.jpg “I… I don’t know. Everything bad that’s happened is because of magic. Arthur almost died because of the magic in that pastry. And the man that tried to take me… he used magic, too. Father says that magic took my mother away, and every criminal he burns is a sorcerer. I know that Merlin and Millicent are good… but she always told me not to use my magic. She taught Merlin... but she wouldn't teach me.”
https://i.ibb.co/mXsRLcP/06-26-20-4-03-56-PM.jpg "That... probably means something."
"And the last question! Are you going to give our girl Sarah some more time off? Girl needs it!"
@_sims_Yimi You know my stance on the trigger warnings. I think you did a great job because especially the moment with the peasant man was really sad and emotional. Those warnings are necessary when chapters are going to get darker.
I loved the interview with Morgana as well. She somehow felt more childish here. Sometimes I feel like she's so mature all the time but we got a good feel of her inner child (which to be fair, she still is) here. The last answer cracked me up.
@Duvelina Haha, I'm glad you liked it! That's what I picture Morgana to be really like, when there's nobody around to put her guard up for and no social games that need to be played. Granted, she doesn't get the chance for that very often. :sweat_smile:
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