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simtown15's avatar
5 years ago

The Greenfield Family

I decided to start a thread where I can post my storytelling. I'm currently playing a family of 4 called the Greenfields. Juliette, the mom, is a painter, her husband Howard is a bodybuilder, and they have two kids, Pablo and Leonardo (named after Juliette's favorite artists). I'll take pictures of each family member later.

7 Replies

  • Chapter 1: A New Year

    On New Years Eve, the doorbell rang at the Greenfield residence. "I'll get it!" Pablo shouted, running to the door. At the door was Maci, his best friend since first grade, wearing a fancy dress. "Wow, Maci..." He said, "You're all dressed up! It's just a New Years party. You don't have to wear a ballgown!" Maci smiled, "Well... I figured I would. New year, new me, ya know?" "Okay...?" Pablo shrugged. Why was his tomboy friend wearing a dress?
    About an hour later, Pablo and Maci were chatting in the kitchen with some of the other guests while eating Juliette's garlic noodles, cookd especially for the occasion. "Your mom is a great cook!" Said Pablo's other friend, Sean. "Yeah," Maci agreed, "you're so lucky you get to eat her meals every day!" Pablo finished the rest of his meal. "I'm stuffed! Wanna go outside, guys?" "Sure." Maci answered. "Nah, Imma watch the San Myshuno New Years Eve Party on TV." Sean said, "Have fun, lovebirds!" "Hey!" Pablo scolded. "We're just friends!" Maci added, "C'mon, Pablo. Let's go."

    After playing in the snow for a little bit, Pablo and Maci ended up stargazing. "I can't believe it's almost a new year." Pablo said. "Yeah," Maci said, "Who knows what'll happen?" "Say, Maci," Pablo said, "why did you wear such a fancy dress? You hate dresses!" "Oh..." Maci went quiet, "Well, if I'm being entirely honest... I wanted to impress someone at the party." "Wait, you have a crush?!" Pablo exclaimed, "On who?!" Maci was silent again, then quietly said, "I'd rather not say."
    Before Pablo could question his friend further, a group of classmates came up from behind them. "What are you doing down there?" asked a classmate. "Oh... we're just stargazing." Maci answered nervously. "How romantic!" another classmate teased, "When are you gonna get married?" "We're JUST FRIENDS!" Maci insisted. Sean pushed his way to the front of the group. "That's enough, guys." He said to his classmates, "Let's give them some privacy." The classmates groaned and headed back inside. Pablo turned to Maci, "We should probably go inside too. It's probably almost midnight!"
    A while later, it was one minute to midnight, and the countdown began. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone cheered. Pablo's parents shared a New Years kiss while young Leonardo pretended to throw up. "Hey, Alfred, you missed New Years!" Pablo said to a nearby friend who was on the computer. "No I didn't!" Alfred answered, "My favorite YouTuber did a New Years livestream! See? The chat's going wild!" Pablo sighed in annoyance and returned to Maci's side.
    "Well, I have to go." Maci said, "It's way past my bedtime! Thanks for a great party!" She gave him a hug. "Oh, anytime!" Pablo smiled, "See you soon!"
    To be Continued...
  • That was adorable, honestly :)

    Very good choice of a dress - I can certainly believe that it's something that a tomboy would pick due to relative inexperience with them.
  • Chapter 2: Jealousy?
    It was morning when the Greenfield family arrived at the park for the Egg Day Festival. The park was very busy and filled with many kids looking for eggs. Pablo began searching for Maci and found something... strange. She was talking a another boy, AND she had flowers in her hair! "Hey, Maci," Pablo said, "who are you talking to?" "Oh, that's just my friend Edgar." Maci replied, "Edgar, meet Pablo." Pablo looked at Edgar, then the flowers in Maci's hair, and then it clicked: Edgar must be Maci's crush!
    So that was who Maci had been trying to impress! However, Pablo wouldn't let Edgar steal his best friend from him! He decided that he would have to tell Edgar to back off. "Why don't you guys get some food at the picnic area?" Maci asked, "I'll meet you there!" The boys nodded and each grabbed a bowl of beans.

    Pablo glared at Edgar, "You better not steal my best friend away from me!" "YOUR best friend?" Edgar asked, "She's my friend too, y'know? You can't have her all to yourself! That's not fair!" At that moment, Maci came over. "Hey! Wait... why do you look so angry?" Pablo straightened his face, "No reason. We were just having a conversation."
    After everyone finished eating, Maci pulled Pablo aside. "Why did you look angry when I returned? Were you fighting with Edgar or something?" "Well, sorta." Pablo admitted, "I was just upset because I realized that he was your crush and... I was worried that you would stop being friends with me in order to spend more time with him." Maci laughed, "Pablo! I don't have a crush on Edgar! What gave you that idea?!" "Well... I thought you were trying to impress him with the flowers." Pablo admitted. "Oh, these?" Maci touched the flowers in her hair, "I just added them in... to be festive for Egg Day... yeah." Pablo frowned, unsure that Maci was telling the truth. "Well... I think they look nice." He said quietly. "Really?" Maci's face lit up, "Thanks! Maybe I'll wear them more often!"
    "Anyways, what do you say we go play pirates?" Maci continued, "You, me, and Edgar?" Pablo nodded, "Well, alright." It was better than nothing. However, as they played, Pablo just didn't enjoy it as much as when he and Maci played alone.
    Meanwhile, Leonardo saw a girl standing alone. He wasn't usually very social, but she seemed to be sad, so he decided to talk to her. "Hey," He said, "What's your name?" "Uh... Beverly," The girl said quietly, "Beverly Romeo." "I'm Leonardo." He replied, "You seem down. Is something wrong?" "I'm just lonely," Beverly replied, "I came here with my dad, but I don't know where he is." "Oh..." Leonardo frowned, "Do you want help finding him?" "No, it's okay," Beverly said, "He disappears like this all the time. He'll probably be back when it's time to go home." "Oh... well, do you want to play with me while we wait?" Beverly smiled, "Sure."
    To be continued...
  • Ooh, Pablo is rather protective of his totally-not-girlfriend, eh? Adorable :)

    That was rather nice of Leonardo, too. Cute.
  • Chapter 3: Feelings Arise
    Two years had passed, and now, Pablo and Maci had just started high school. In that time, Pablo had also discovered that he had feelings for Maci. Pablo went to visit Maci's apartment in San Myshuno. "Pablo!" Maci greeted her long-time friend with a warm embrace. Pablo smiled. "Hey, Maci!"
    "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" Pablo asked. "Oh, well..." Maci started, "the Romance Festival is taking place tonight in the Fashion District, and... I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Pablo's eyes widened. Maci wanted to go to the romance festival with him?! Maybe she DID like him back! "Oh, sure." He answered, smiling even wider, "When does it start?" "It starts at six, but we should probably leave now so that we can get there on time." "Okay!"
    At the Romance Festival, Pablo and Maci sat down at a table and drank some tea. The tea made Pablo feel warm and fuzzy inside... or maybe it was just Maci? "Hey, Maci," Pablo said, "Uh, wouldn't it be funny if we had feelings for each other, and... we confessed our feelings at the Romance Festival? That would be perfect, right?" "Uh... yeah." Maci nodded, "That would be hilarious!" Pablo's heart started to beat faster.
    After they talked for a few minutes, Pablo realized that this would indeed be the perfect time to confess his feelings to her! "Hey. Maci..." Pablo said, "uh, well... you know how you've been trying to impress someone for a while now... but you won't tell me who it is?" Maci nodded, "Hah, yeah." "Well..." Pablo took a deep breath, then asked, "Is it me?" "Oh, uh... it's getting late! Gotta go!" Maci said suddenly, and ran off into the distance. "Maci, Wait!" Pablo exclaimed, but she didn't wait. He sighed, "Maci...?" What had just happened?
    Meanwhile, Leonardo and Beverly had become close friends. On that same night, Beverly came to visit Leonardo. "Leonardo, guess what?" She asked. "What?" "Well," She grinned, "my mom is on a business trip, so it's just me and my dad for a few days! I've been eating cereal for every meal and staying up past midnight!" "Oh..." Leonardo frowned, "that's not good." "Why not?" Beverly asked. "Well," Leonardo answered, "don't you want to have a variety of meals? My mom cooks something different every night! Eating sugary cereal for EVERY meal can't be too healthy. What about the major food groups? And... my parents always say it's not good to stay up late on school days. They say it'll cause me to be tired in school, and then I won't learn as well." "Oh." Beverly frowned, "I see. But... it's fun!" Leonardo sighed.
    To Be Continued...
  • Chapter 4: An Eventful Day
    The next morning, it was Saturday. Howard got up early in the morning. Since his wife always made him and their kids breakfast, he decided to surprise her by making breakfast for the family today. Unfortunately... that did not go well at all.
    Luckily, Juliette was able to put him out, and then make the family a proper breakfast. Howard sighed, "I was just trying to do something nice for you, since you've been so nice to me and the kids, but... you saved my life instead." "Well," Juliette replied, "you don't have to cook to show your love, you know? There are other ways to show love too! And, next time you try to cook... make something cold please."
    Later that morning, Pablo called Sean on the phone and explained what has previously happened. "So, why do you think she ran away?" He finished. "Are you kidding?!" Sean exlaimed, "It's obvious that she's like you for years! She probably was scared that you wouldn't feel the same!" "Oh... so... should I tell her I like her too?" Pablo asked. "Definitely!" Sean answered. "Okay, thanks Sean." Pablo hung up.
    Pablo immediately invited Maci over, then greeted her at the door. "Hey, Pablo," Maci said, "Sorry about last night." "It's okay," Pablo said, "By the way, there's something I have to tell you." "What is it?" "Well... I realized that I've developed a crush on you." Maci grinned, "Really?! I've had a crush on YOU for years!"
    "Here, I'll prove it!" Pablo added, and then...
    Later that day, one of Leonardo's classmates invited him to a study group at the library. When he arrived, he was surprised to see that Heaven was there! Heaven was one of the popular girls at his school. They were acquainted, but not friends. Well, better late than never! "Hey, Heaven! Wanna sit next to each other?" Leonardo asked. "Oh, well, okay." Heaven answered. "I like your tiara." Leonardo said. "Thanks," Heaven smiled a little, "It came with my princess costume." "Cool." Leonardo said. Due to Leonardo's kind and friendly nature, they were already on friendly terms by the end of the study session.
    To Be Continued...

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