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Louise_Goethals's avatar
5 years ago

The Life and Death of Rue Cornflower: A Vampire Story
Immediately upon her arrival at her new home in the quiet seaside village of Brindleton Bay, Rue Cornflower felt a pattering of fat raindrops falling on her outstretched hand. Typical, she thought, that it should rain on her moving day. She knew Brindleton Bay well - she had, in fact, grown up here - so she had thankfully prepared her belongings in advance to withstand the summer drenching. Luckily she only had a handful of things with her. The house was so expensive that she could barely afford any furniture, but she did not mind. She had big plans for this place, and the quaint Victorian-esque build was just too beautiful for her to let slip through her fingers. She decided to paint it blue and green - royal blue being her favourite colour, as was reflected in the brilliant colour of her hair. The house was not completed on the inside, however, as the floors were still concrete and she did not yet have enough money to renovate it. She would have to improve her home paycheck by paycheck. Rue decided to see this as a positive thing: there would always be something to work towards, something to improve and to be excited about.
An avid lover of all things nature, Rue kicked off her first day in her new neighbourhood by heading to a pond and enjoying the beautiful views with a fishing rod in hand. She caught many things, and strangely many of these things were not fish (among others, a cleaning robot that she owned briefly before selling it, as it seemed to spawn dirt from thin air instead of cleaning it - another reason why she did not like modern companies and preferred buying antique things or making her own). Her proudest catch was an adorable guppy that she simply could not sell. She named him Gilbert, and henceforth he would swim happily in her dining room.
When she returned, she made her second-most favourite food: salad. Many might scoff at this, but salads to Rue were the best form of appreciating the delicious produce that she grew fresh from her garden. See, Rue was an aspiring botanist. Although she loved growing (and cooking!) all the produce she could find, especially as a wellness-enthusiastic vegetarian, she particularly loved flowers. It was her dream to one day open a quaint flower shop across from her house, and she held onto that dream whenever she felt unmotivated in life.

Later that night, Rue curled up on her cheap second-hand Futon bed and stared out of the open window. The moon was bright and full, and at that moment, she sent up a prayer that her future would be equally so. Alas, fate had a cruel plan. In the distance, thunder slowly rolled over the ocean as the wind pulled on the shutters. A sound of light footsteps on the muddy grass grew nearer to her doorway, and then the slow turning of a doorknob clacked through the walls. The light feet moved near soundlessly up the winding steps, until a pale figure with glowing eyes was piercing down at the sleeping Rue. Rue found herself in a dreamlike state. Almost as if sleepwalking, she sat up and moved towards the figure, its hands extended towards her. Then they curled around her neck - cold and clicking, like steel on alabaster on a winter morning - then a dull pain followed by a distinctive warmth. Soon, the moonlight slipped away into black as she felt herself collapsing onto the hard ground. When she awoke, there was no sign of the pale figure, and she could almost brush it all away as a bad dream. There was a nagging feeling within her, however, and no matter how hard she tried to suppress it, it kept creeping back up her throat like hot bile. Then she knew. As she climbed into the bath, everything felt magnified and slowed down to an unbearable dull thumping of her heart in her ears. The soft screeching of the bath curtain, the sound of water gushing from the faucet. And the distinctive twin bumps of puncture wounds that could only be fangs as she ran her finger along the tender flesh. Something had visited her that night. Something ancient and dark. Something that would return.

** Note: this story is Game-Driven, with a general plot in mind as I play.

6 Replies

  • Early that day, Rue's neighbours surprised her with a Welcome Wagon. She was a bit embarrassed to let them in, since her house didn't even have proper floors yet, but they chatted pleasantly. She and Justin Delgato were hitting it off nicely, which made her excited at the prospect of a new friend. After the welcome wagon, she went fishing for some extra simoleans. By midday, she had three new additions to her household: Herbert the striped Cichlid, Sunny the Discus and an adorable frog that she found hiding among her plants. She would have loved to name this frog, but some unseen and unbreakable force restricted her from doing so, for no apparent reason. This made no sense to her, as frogs were pets too, but alas she could not argue with the rules of her universe.

    Then she found herself pulled to the library. She spent many hours scouring the (very old) computers for vampire information, and soon she found out about a mysterious site where she could purchase vampire tomes. She scraped the money from the day's fishing together and purchased a tome. It felt like she was going crazy - she didn't believe in this sort of thing! But she had a deep need to understand what had happened to her, and she couldn't shake the image of the dark figure above her.'>'>

  • Rue found herself at the Geekcon. Justin and Supriya Delgato had invited her to join them, and of course she eagerly accepted! She hadn't been to the city in ages, and was always excited to visit the city's fancy karaoke bars. Rue also figured it would be good to get to know Supriya a bit, as Justin clearly loved her very much, but she was struggling. They played some games, bought street food and chatted on the bench, but Rue just couldn't get herself to connect to Supriya. Rue always tried to get along with people and believed that everyone had something interesting and good inside them, but she found herself rather bored in her company. This made her feel guilty, but she was determined to build up a relationship. Just not today.
    Then Rue saw something light blue. She stopped mid-sentence as her mind went still. A few benches away, Yuki Behr was chatting with two sims, looking rather tense. Rue's heart melted. Keeping her eye on Yuki, she continued the conversation, but eventually excused herself to go meet her. Of course Rue commented on their hair, and this prompted a nervous smile from Yuki. Rue found her awkwardness adorable. They exchanged some small talk about appropriately geeky things, played a game together and parted ways as the Geekcon disassembled. Rue couldn't help but smile.
    She then realized she had lost the Delgatos. When she found them again, they (or rather, she) had a blast at Planet Honey Pop!, happily embarrassing herself as she sang her heart out.

    The next day, Rue found herself in a particularly cheerful mood. She had her usual yogurt for breakfast, enjoyed some yoga on her balcony and did some gardening, but she was very distracted this morning. She found herself reaching for her phone and hitting send on a text message. What a lovely day it is! She waited eagerly for a reply, but she was not anxious. And sure enough, Yuki invited her to enjoy the sunshine at Magnolia Blossom Park.
    Rue had never been to Willow Creek before, but it was very charming. She and Yuki took a relaxing walk around the park, had veggie burgers and had a blast on the swing. Afterwards, they went to the museum. Yuki didn't seem to care too much about the paintings, so Rue got an idea. She suggested that they play chess. Rue was obliterated, of course, but her soul felt at peace as she listened to the rain pouring next to them and watched Yuki's face squint up in concentration.
    To her surprise as she was eating lunch, a knock on her door revealed Yuki dropping by for a visit! They talked and talked, not even noticing it was growing dark. Yuki's stomach grumbled, much to her embarrassment, but Rue just laughed and proposed that they go out to eat something. This time, though, she didn't beat about the bush. She asked her to go as her date. Yuki was startled, but then she blushed and accepted shyly. Once again, Rue's heart beamed at how adorable Yuki was.

    They went to a fancy restaurant in Forgotten Hollow, all dressed up. Yuki was hesitant about spending a ridiculous amount of money at some expensive place, but Rue had experience in this sort of thing - she figured that you should go for the cheapest menu items whilst enjoying the grand atmosphere. They did just that, and had a great time. Rue became a bit flustered herself, though, since Yuki spent almost the entire night acting flirty, much to her surprise after her previously shy demeanour. She couldn't help herself, and they shared their first kiss. They laughed about it afterwards, since the setting was rather hilarious with the grand architecture against the skulls, spider webs and red candles everywhere.'>
    Once they ended the date, Yuki went on her way, but Rue felt compelled to stay for a while. She stared at the large statue in the center of the town across from the restaurant, feeling an uncanny sense of unease and familiarity. She wondered around for a while longer, almost hoping that something would approach her from the shadows. Alas, nothing came, and she grew very tired, so she returned home.

    That night, she slept with a big grin plastered across her face and dreamed happily of light blue hair.
  • Rue found herself thinking about Yuki regularly, which came as little surprise to her. She knew her weakness for cute, colourful things, and Yuki was the most adorably awkward blue jellybean she had ever seen. As she looked over to her on their karaoke bar date, her heart swelled with happiness which was only partly due to how much she was rocking their duet. The shower singing sessions were paying off, and Rue was in her element! Of course she serenaded Yuki, who sat there a bit awkwardly but full of fondness and admiration. They complemented each other well. Where Yuki was lacking in charisma, she was overflowing with a shy intellect that Rue wished to learn from. Yuki did not talk much at first, but as they got to know each other, she became more and more enthusiastic about sharing her inner thoughts and strong opinions about gaming that made Rue laugh. Yuki's eyes seemed full of promise, and as Rue saw the reflection of her own eyes in them, something clicked. She wanted to spend her life with this woman. But she was getting ahead of herself. They would have to get to know each other a bit more before that.

    They concluded a pleasant day together at the trusty Sandwich Shack. Rue had started succeeding in convincing Yuki to try out some more vegetarian cuisine, and tonight Yuki ordered a meatless meal out of her own free will. They had a great time, laughing about how Justin Delgato had gotten into some minor trouble at work and had to stay there tonight until late to rectify it. They talked about Candy, Yuki's sister, and how strong of a bond they had. Rue was invited to go visit her house soon and meet her, which she eagerly accepted. It sounded like they would get along well.
    Something at the back of Rue's mind bothered her throughout the night, though. For every time she laughed, she felt a tiny shiver down her spine. For every turn of her head, she felt the hairs on her neck standing erect, and her body felt ready to plunge into a sprint at any moment. She had found out his name from a waitress earlier that night. Although they were across the room from him, it seemed to Rue that he heard every word they exchanged.
    "Him? That's Caleb Vatore. He's from Forgotten Hollow."
    Strange that he would work here, a town away, instead of in his home town. Was he trying to run away from something there? Or was he searching, stalking, something here? She shook her head. How paranoid of her to muse so much. She felt embarrassed at her wild speculations, and yet she knew deep down that she was not far off. Was this Caleb the thing of which she had been reading? It had become a part of her daily routine: tend her garden, make and sell flower arrangements, devour multiple chapters of her vampire tomes. She had begun subtly bringing up the subject of vampires in conversations with sims close to her, but the others discussed it as if talking about a nursery rhyme. Fiction and ghost stories to keep children from wondering around alone at night. That thing that had visited Rue many nights ago, had come to her. And she keenly felt like something was watching her whenever she turned a dark corner. She would not be eaten away by this voiceless fear - she would monitor it. She would stare the monster right in the mouth. Yes, she would approach Caleb and make small talk with him to see if he gave away any information that she could use. It would have to be subtle and require planning. The next time she came to the Sandwich Shack, it would be for answers.

    That night, Rue's mind wasn't the only thing creeping among shadowy places. Not too far away, in a usually peaceful corner of Windenburg, a door creaked open, coiling away at the cold touch of its trespasser. There were no screams. The sims sleeping in their homes next door would have no idea what was happening, and the owners of the broken-into home would have little recollection of the night. They would simply be puzzled at the strangely-shaped, tender bite marks on their necks. Edward did not approve of Zachary's activities. He felt it to be barbaric and inhumane to toy with humans, and as such had been feeding from different means for almost two centuries. He did not actively oppose his brother, since he believed that it was best to guide others' actions instead of forcing things upon them that they could end up resenting you for. Edward and Zachary had nothing but each other, so they clung to their bond. It had been difficult for the past 50 years, though, since Zachary's restlessness and desire to sow anarchy had been increasing exponentially. The curse of immortality includes boredom, and weighs even more heavily on troubled minds. Zachary was not yet ready to face his emotions over the past, and when Edward brought it up, he quickly made it clear that he had no wish to talk about it, so Edward left him to his methods.

    Edward convinced him to put his clothes back on for a chess match in the night air. The brothers spent many hours playing an intricate game of logic and skill that they made look almost like a dance - they had, in fact, had a long time to develop these skills - in companionable silence, and when the first break of dawn threatened, Edward got ready to leave for work. The perk of being a doctor is that the work hours are suitable for avoiding sunlight. Also, Edward dedicated his existence to helping sims. If he was to live forever, he would do good with it.
    As Edward left, Zachary stared out of the window and smirked. Tomorrow would be Spooky Day, and he planned on putting spook into the equation.'>

  • Rue woke up feeling like a social butterfly. It was Spooky Day, her second-favourite holiday (after Winterfest), and it would wound her to NOT celebrate! She planned a Spooky Party with her friends for the afternoon. Excited, she had an energized yoga session and arranged some flowers, all the while planning her perfect costume and humming along to her radio. Her flower arrangements had been steadily increasing in value the past few weeks, and her garden was growing in quality with all the fresh ingredients Rue needed to prepare lovely dishes for herself and her friends. Her household funds were still tight since she kept thrifting more decor for her home each time she accumulated some simoleans, but it was worth it to her since it brought her so much joy to be surrounded by beautiful trinkets.

    The following day, Rue went to the Sandwich Shack with Justin for a casual dinner, but this time she had an ulterior motive. She once again observed Caleb's uncanny speed. It aggravated her that she seemed to be the only sim to notice. She had been spending much of her free time studying her vampire lore books, and too much of it lined up with Caleb's strangeness to be a coincidence. the meal, she stayed behind to talk to Caleb. She introduced herself with much less confidence than she intended. He remarked that he had seen her there many times before, and that it was nice to finally know her name. They made small talk, chatting absent-mindedly about the snow and the intricacies of being a host. She started to subtly slide in some vampire folklore, but his replies were cryptic, dismissing her in a playful way while not actively denying anything. It frustrated her greatly. His teeth - no, fangs - glimmered and caught her eye every now and then, jolting her heart to a standstill for a second with panic. He awoke a primal instinct in her to run. But she wanted answers, and she would get them. Her attempt tonight was not particularly successful, but she took the first step to talk to him, so that was something.

    The next afternoon, Yuki came over. They had a lovely day together, chatting about everything and nothing.
    Once they realized that the sun had gone down, they had a plate of leftover tofurkey dinner. Yuki excused herself to go to the bathroom, so Rue whipped out her journal, happily reminisced about her life in Brindleton Bay so far and chatted with Gilbert, who was circling around his bowl with curious eyes.
    Her musings were, however, interrupted by a knock on the door.
    Caleb Vatore's distinctive face came into view from behind the door. Panic swept over Rue's body. What was he doing here? Not knowing what else to do, she carefully opened the door and greeted him. He claimed to just be stopping by, having been intrigued by their previous conversation about vampires and wanting to continue the discussion. Rue forced herself to calm down and carefully closed the door behind her, determined to keep him away from Yuki. She didn't want her dragged into this insanity.
    She and Caleb talked for about half an hour before Yuki popped her head out of the door frame curiously. To Rue's horror, Yuki invited him inside. It was dizzying how quickly Caleb entered. One moment he was sitting, the next he was on the couch, chatting charismatically with Yuki. Rue didn't like it one bit. She sat, carefully monitoring the situation. Caleb didn't seem like he wanted to harm them. On the contrary, he didn't seem to have an ulterior motive in visiting. But still, she kept herself alert. This man was not normal. She was quite sure of it by now. Caleb Vatore must have been a vampire.'>
    They shared the most passionate kiss of both of their lives. One thing led to another, and they woohoo'd for the first time. As hearts flew above them, Rue knew more than ever that Yuki was now irrevocably part of her life. She needed her, forever.'>'>'>
    Her most prized memory - their entire lives stretching out before them, full of possibility and the promise of experiencing each moment together. Rue wanted to adopt a child together, and they would raise him or her to be the best person they could be. She shed a tear, which made Yuki shed a tear. That night was the happiest of Rue's life. It was also her last.
  • That morning, Rue woke up with happiness that swelled and overflowed in her heart. Though it was snowing, the weather couldn't be more perfect to her because everything was beautiful on this perfect day. Today, she would get married to her love. Yuki, the cute and shy girl with the light blue hair that so perfectly complemented her own. Their hair was Rue's inspiration for the wedding day. She made a blue cake, blue flower arrangements and even ordered beautiful blue necklaces for them on Plopsy, due to be delivered during their honeymoon. Yuki loved camping, so Rue thought it would be the perfect surprise for her to take her to a cute log cabin. She couldn't wait to see her face.
    Rue slaved away happily at the decor and wedding feast consisting of numerous delicious vegetarian dishes. She laid them all out on the table and fireplace, creating a wonderfully cozy atmosphere.
    When the guests arrived, everyone was chirping in excitement, complementing Rue's handiwork and vintage dress. As always, Rue had thrifted her dress, and it was magnificent. She loved all the character the dress had, and had spent many hours imaging the life the previous owner had lived with her lover. Would their happiness bring good luck to her and Yuki? She certainly hoped so. Just as she mused, Yuki stepped through the doorway and took Rue's breath away. She was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. Her heart swelled with pride, love and joy. Before they knew it, they were at the wedding arch, the snowpal they had built just a day or two ago smiling at them. It was a perfect moment.
    The festivities followed, bringing warmth to everyone's hearts and stomachs by the cozy fire and comforting food. Everyone laughed, danced and ate to their heart's content. Rue even got along with Supriya for once, offering her a plate and cracking jokes together.'>

    Rue and Yuki felt their worries melting away as they came closer to their destination. Yuki excitedly asked, "Is it here?" every time they passed a resort world, but Rue slyly shook her head. When they stopped in front of their little cabin, Yuki's mouth dropped to the floor. She squealed and bolted out of the car, jumping up and down in joy. They embraced and kissed. Their honeymoon had started.'>'>
    She was in denial. Maybe she had contracted an illness, and that was what was causing her strange thirst and hallucinations. She would need to get to a doctor sooner than she thought.
    Then was when she felt it. Her throat was parched. It was painful - it felt like someone was forcing a hot rod down her throat. She choked, reaching for a glass of water. She gulped it down desperately, but it had no effect. In fact, the nausea she had felt earlier now gave way to a piercing stomach ache. Her hand gripped tightly around the basin, and to her surprise cracked a piece off. When she rejoined Yuki in the sitting room, she confessed that the illness was worse than she thought. She had to go to the hospital as quickly as possible. Right as they opened their suitcases, though, the sky tore open. The blizzard was so bad that the electricity went out for a minute. There was no way that they could drive on these roads.
    That night, Rue could not sleep. The pain in her throat throbbed and grew stronger each time she looked at Yuki sleeping next to her. Her warmth was emanating thickly over her, pulsing with her supernaturally loud heartbeat. Rue thought that it was the worst migraine she had ever experienced, turning such a small sound into a deafening one. She had a violent impulse to bite into Yuki, so she would maybe let her sleep. Quiet down the noise, quench the pain in her throat... Blood. Thick and warm. Rue's eyes widened. She could see every hair on Yuki's neck, every bead of perspiration. Her skin was glowing a deep purple from underneath the translucent film, so delicate and easy to tear open... Rue stood up abruptly, pacing. She had many glasses of water that night, but none took away the pain. It just made it worse, her body rejecting the liquid. Her body demanded something else that was unknown, calling her.'>'>

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