Forum Discussion

davina1221's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

The Price is Right and the Dating game for the Sims

I would go wild over the dating game for the Sims. Your sim is either a contestant or the main person who picks one of the love interests. This would be something I think many simmers would absolutely love and has never been done. Imagine, if you marry the sim in 3 days, you can pick out of three gift sets like on the Price is Right. Maybe a new bedroom suit ect.

The Price is Right would be like the game itself, but would be so neat to play. Your sim would pay to be in the audience and get a chance to win neat prizes.

Nice way to get new stuff for the house without cheats and fun too.

3 Replies

  • The could also include a world that is more of a district so that we can put businesses in there with the two studios. We need more space because I want to use the free world for sim's houses and I need one for businesses, games, and ect.
  • I'm a vanilla player, so I would really love this. It would be an awesome addition to the game.

    I think it would be so neat as far as meeting new Sims to date and marry. Having online dating and love at first sight would be awesome. Boyfriend, girlfriend, and fiance in CAS relationships among so many others we need. Ability to say, "I love you" to anyone at anytime. I've wanted that for grown-ups, but I've also wanted teens, kids, toddlers, and grown-ups to be able to tell each other this anytime I want.