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cambot2201's avatar
6 years ago

The Woods

Hi! I wanted to share a legacy, so I decided to start a new family called the Woods. I started out with Evelyn Woods. Any update to the family will be under my gallery name cambot2201. The text that goes with the picture will be before the pic.
NOTE: I own Cats and Dogs, Seasons, Parenthood, and City Living.
This is Evelyn Wood. She is a Music Lover, Perfectionist, Family Oriented, and wants to be a Musical Genius.
She has just moved out of her parents home, so she went house shopping! She found the perfect home. She hasn’t been able to furnish it, so she headed to the furniture store to buy some!
Note: I forgot to buy lights. Once she gets enough money I’ll buy them.
Now, all Evelyn has to do is find a job!

She went straight into the entertainer in hopes to becomes a musician one day. But then she realizes, she doesn’t have any instruments! She looked online, but all of them were to expensive. She contacted the seller and he gave her a discount! How nice of him! Here it is!

She practiced for 2 hours before going on a walk. She decided to go to the park.
I didn’t get a screenshot. 😬
She waited at her twin park but couldn’t find anyone! So she switched towns and went to Oasis Springs Park instead, making a quick stop home for a change of clothing.

She met Liberty Lee and asked if she can join her chess game.

Liberty seemed stressed, so Evelyn asked her what was wrong. She was thinking about dressers, so I’m guessing that hers broke and she has to buy a new one.

Liberty was glad she had someone to talk to, and they went over to a table to have a chat.

After chatting for a while, Liberty had to go back home. So Evelyn waved goodbye and went looking for other potential friends.

While inside, she met a young guitarist strumming some tunes. She listened for a little while before tipping her 10 Simoleons. It always pays off to help someone else!

After the lovely music ended, she headed home.

She watched some TV before deciding to make dinner. Tonight’s choice was Mac and Cheese!

She was still watching TV when she heard a knock on the door.

It was a nice lady named Kassidy coming to welcome her! Evelyn invited her in for a quick chat.

It was getting late, so Kassidy left and Evelyn decided to practice the guitar.

After a little while,Evelyn called it a night and went to bed, wanting to be fully prepared for her first day at work!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully something fun will happen in the next part and it won’t be as boring.

10 Replies

  • Part 2!
    Evelyn woke up for her second day in her new house and her first day at her new job!
    She made some breakfast,

    Practiced her guitar,

    And went to work! Good luck Evelyn!

    She came home, happy with the work she has done!

    She practiced the guitar a little more too!

    Deciding it was time for some fun, she ate a quick dinner and heading out to the bar with her friends.

    She after a couple of drinks, she started to flirt with the bartender, Boston.

    Still a bit drunk, she invited him home and Boston suggested he stay the night since it was 1 am in the morning. Evelyn! I’m very disappointed in you!

    Evelyn Woods! You just met this man! Luckily, they went straight to sleep.
    Uh oh, Evelyn. You don’t look so good.


    She’s pregnant.
    She went to bed, awestruck at what just happened. In the morning, she would tell Boston.

    She didn’t have work tomorrow or the next day, which was a really good thing, she didn’t have to take any days off for the baby.
    She woke up and told Boston about the baby.

    He refused to have anything to do with the it. They argued for some time before he stormed out.

    Evelyn had some yoghurt before calling Liberty over to tell her the news.

    Liberty, being the good friend she is, consoled her through this and said that she, Travis, and Summer would support her no matter what. She also suggested painting as a good way to help with paying for the baby.
    So they went out and bought an easel!

    Evelyn was feeling really hungry, as if she was feeding more than 2. She though nothing of it and made a grilled cheese.

    Thanks for reading! Please tell me any suggested names for the baby!
  • Part 3!
    It was time for Liberty to go, so they said there goodbyes and Evelyn got straight to painting. It was 10:30 at night, but she needed the money.

    After putting the painting up for sale, she went to bed.

    She woke up in the middle of the night really having to pee. This is what pregnancy does to you girl, get used to it.

    5 hours later, she got up again and had a BLT for breakfast. Not my favorite choice, but okay.

    She also went back to the guitar. She can be a musician with out practicing every day after all!

    After a little while, she decided it was time to go nursery shopping. So she went out the the local mall and found the perfect bassinet for her darling!

    She purchased it and brought back to her home.

    Then she immediately got back to painting. Oh, and she also bought a radio while she was at the mall too.

    She was really hungry after walking around so much. (Since there aren’t CARS in her neighborhood.) She made herself some eggs and toast and then got straight back to painting.

    A little while later, while browsing parenting forums, Evelyn came across a expecting mother’s meeting tomorrow. She wrote down the address and emailed the lady who was running it that she was coming. After finishing another painting, she made herself some scrambled eggs before going to bed.

    Thanks for reading! The brightness of pictures will increase next part, she doesn’t have enough money to afford lights. ?
  • I know that the format is all weird. I didn’t have time to do all the different pictures, but it will be fixed tomorrow.
  • NOTE: I’m just rewriting the paragraphs. I’ve been reading The Life of the Armstrong’s, and it’s giving me some writing tips! So thanks, @OliCait for the help. I highly recommend checking out the thread.
  • Part 4!
    Evelyn woke up excited for the day! She was anticipating going to the mothers meeting, but first she would need an outfit.
    A maternity dress! I like it!

    Baggy sweater and pants. Not as stylish, but still looks great!
    A shorter, more dressy dress. Very cute!

    A floral dress. Little too showy.

    She decided to go with the maternity dress and headed out. She met the other two girls outside and they all headed in together.

    She met the girl running the whole meeting and they all headed upstairs.

    Kailey Sams.

    Journey Fhatta.

    Emily Jones.

    The chatted about due dates, their previous kids, genders, all the pregnancy stuff.

    Sadly, Evelyn was feeling really tired, so she had to leave early. She said her goodbyes, shared her gratitude, and left.

    She immediately took a nap as soon as she got home.

    She also really had to use the bathroom, even though she went at the house.
    We'll give her some privacy.

    Liberty also came over to visit, but sadly Evelyn had to go to work.

    Around 7, she was about to pass out, so I let her leave early.

    After her nap, she made some mac and cheese for herself before heading to bed.


    She immedialty called a cab and headed to the hospital. Good luck Eve!

    She came home with....

    Twin Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luckily the hospital gave her a free bassinet.

    And there names are......

    Hope, (Pink)

    And Destiny! (Yellow)

    Luckily she was able to sleep until 7:30. The babies stayed asleep for the rest of the night! She woke up and brought them into the living room so Evelyn can make her own breakfast.

    Motherly Duties.

    She invited Liberty over to show her Hope and Destiny. She was so supportive!

    A little bit into their hangout, Kailey came over with excellent news, she gave birth to a boy!! His name is Josh.

    NOTE: She apparently gave birth before the meeting, I just didn't realize.

    After they left, the rest of Evelyn's day was painting and taking care of Hope and Destiny.

    Thanks for reading! Just so you know, I did make it so that she has twins, but I didn't think the cheat would work, but it obviously did! So, that went well. Some bonus pics in the spoiler.
    Evelyn passed out when both girls are crying.
    Evelyn with an afro.
  • olicait's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 years ago
    Cool story! And appreciate the shout out! My story just ended so will recommend this to anyone looking for a new one! <3

  • "OliCait;c-17184060" wrote:
    Cool story! And appreciate the shout out! My story just ended so will recommend this to anyone looking for a new one! <3

    Thanks for making such a great thread! I’m up to Armstrong aging into a toddler. I not sure if I will post tomorrow or not, I’ve been quite busy.
  • Part 5!

    I lost a lot of screenshots so instead of starting at the beginning of the day, we are starting at 7:00 pm. All that happened was taking care of the twins.

    Evelyn did some potty training before giving the twins a big surprise...

    Emily's twins are coming over for a sleepover!

    Emily brought the boys beds over, so they both set them up in the girl's room. After Emily left, Evelyn made the kids mac and cheese before putting them all to bed. Destiny is there, just withy her mom outside. Maybe a little clingy? Let me know!

    After making sure they were all asleep, Evelyn heading off to bed herself.

    Though in the middle of the night, Destiny woke up with a nightmare.

    She was soon joined by Nixon, who was also scared.

    She comforted them, told them that everything will be alright, and put them back to bed.

    In the morning, Evelyn woke up early just to make the children French toast. Aww!

    Evelyn gets them dressed and ready for the park.

    Thanks to Kourtmonroe for the build!

    The toddlers played dolls while Evelyn read a book.

    Then Emily came to pick Nixon and Bruce up!

    Back at home, Evelyn did some work at the computer whikle the girls played with their toys.

    Then Some potty training,

    before Evelyn headed off to work! She had enough money to pay for a nanny, so meet Louise Edmonds!

    Both the girls were really tired, so the went for as napn while Louise made them dinner.

    Tonight dinner is eggs and toast!

    They both ate in their highchairs then when back to bed.

    Thanks for reading! I had a power outage, so this was posted much later then I wanted too. Please tell me what you this there personalities woukld be, and if I mix any names up.
  • I changed Hope and Destiny's clothes. Hope's clothes are purple, and Destiny's clothes are pink. Also, I got City Living!

    Evelyn got home from work just in time for poor Hope to wake up from a nightmare! She dismissed the nanny and tucked Hope back into bed.

    She dismissed the nanny and got herself to bed.

    She woke up in the morning to make breakfast when both the girls woke up stinky. Guess Nanny Louise forgot to give baths before bedtime. '

    Hope was bathed first while Destiny ate, then vice versa.

    She then brought the girls across the street to Josh's house for a playdate! Evelyn was going to take this time to go explore the city!

    First she tried some new food,

    which didn't go so well.

    She saw a lady playing on a, er, rather scrappy guitar. Even though they didn't have a lot of money, Evelyn donated 10 simoleans to her, hoping she would spend it on a new guitar. Aww! She made it home to very excited girls.

    Evelyn did some work on her computer while the girls played with their toys.

    Evelyn also bought the girls a tablet while she was out! Hope had fun on SimShape.

    There time together was soon ended when Nanny Louise showed up to watch the girls while Evelyn went to work.

    Louise potty trained the girls before making dinner for them.

    Evelyn came home with a promotion to C-Lister and both her darlings fast asleep.

    She dismissed the nanny, took out the garbage,

    had a quick sandwitch,

    and went to bed!

    Thanks for reading! The twins are getting closer to there birthday. I'm guessing they are around 4 at this point. Evelyn should be 27ish.

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