Forum Discussion

RememberJoy's avatar
Seasoned Novice
6 years ago

Trait Ideas

I personally feel that in respect to traits in the Sims 4, we don't have enough. Especially more negative traits. Would love to see some or all of these show up in the game someday.

- Serious - Dampens playful emotion
- Stoic - Dampens sad emotion
- Peaceful - Dampens angry emotion
- Easy Going - Dampens tense emotion
- Absent Minded - Dampens focus and increases dazed
- Coward - Tense during dangerous activities
- Brave - Confident during dangerous activities
- Daredevil - Energized during dangerous activities
- Handy - Increases handiness skill faster
- Green Thumb - Increases gardening skill faster
- Logical - Increases mental skills faster and tense around supernaturals
- Whimsical - Increases artistic skills faster and inspired around supernaturals
- Shy - Slows charisma skill and increases chance of becoming embarrassed in social situations
- Brooding - Brooding option increases social need and creates focus
- Anti-Tech - Becomes tense when using electronics (needs to come with non tech options for computer)
- High-Tech - Becomes tense when away from electronics
- Eco-Friendly - Prefers earth friendly options (comes with living off the grid pack)
- Grumpy - Dampens positive emotions, slows social and romance gain
- Overly Emotional - Increases strength and duration of sad and angry emotions
- Unemotional - Gives a +10 fine emotion

I do realize some of these are in the game if you complete an aspiration, but I don't like having traits locked up. What if I want to create a green thumb or handy sim right away? We can create an artistic sim right away.

Anyways, I'd love to see other ideas for sim traits and how they would affect the sims.
  • RememberJoy's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "MasonGamer;c-16967077" wrote:
    Warm Hearted

    are just a handful of what I need to complete my characters

    Love to hear your thoughts on how these would play out in the game if you ever get time to.
  • I like these traits as most of them can be implemented alongside the existing traits while also steering away from the extreme "general" style of traits in TS4. Trait slots can be increased and we can have more specific traits again that make sims more distinctive.
  • RememberJoy's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "MasonGamer;c-16967343" wrote:
    "RememberJoy;c-16967106" wrote:
    Love to hear your thoughts on how these would play out in the game if you ever get time to.

    I'll go into detail with the ones I really want and how they should work than they use too, and leave the ones, I think are self explanatory.

    Adventurous - These sims love to explore new Cities, new relationships, especially with other life states, new skills, careers, They simply thrive on new experiences... At least once anyway. For game play, this trait make it seem the sim is more aware of their surroundings.

    Encouraging - Do you know how hard it is to find a good Pick-Me-Up these days? These sims Inspire confidence, and after a few words replenish another sim's Energy gauge by 25%, or even 50%.

    Cunning - These sims know how to get what they want, and will go to great lengths to get it.
    This is for one of my Elite Ladies of my Game, Diane Jordan, Helena Montgomery, Regina DuVale to name a few, and Ursula and her daughter Rochelle Navarro. They can extort, or rather Negotiate, quite Effectively. They use this on their husbands, their fathers, the government, oh what's the difference between family and business partners in the 1800s?
    Werewolves GP

    Loyal - These sims are true ride or dies, They through thick and thin they'll stand buy you and never give up as long as your in.
    Werewolves GP

    Hedonistic - Sims who are always up for a good time when it's expedient to themselves, often does please others. Careful, their overindulgence can spell endings.

    Unbound - Shoot I forgot, it was a really good reason tho, It had something to do with literally not being bound to society? or obligations?

    Serious - They barely crack a smile, even when they're happy, and just had a blast. They just stare carefully at life, although it might be good to have someone to step back and make you look at the big picture.

    Spoiled - Given everything, but its never enough... never appreciated, very demanding.

    Judgmental - So I can create that parent who you can't tell anything to. That parent that shuts down all your dreams.

    Warm Hearted - It's rare you find someone who genuinely cares, even if it's little things. They make Good Lovers and Best friends.
    They will do anything to make sure you're in good spirits, because it makes them happy. Their heart starts becoming cold if they have no one or stay Lonely for too long.

    Heartless - This trait is a Hit or Miss, In a Sorcerer's GP, I imagined a new Power, It's a "Level 10" Spell in Forbidden Magic, on the Darkside.
    This spell allows your Sorcerer to reach into the Chest of the Victim, grab hold of their heart and rip it out, Once the heart is removed the Victim becomes Heartless. Someone who is unable to feel emotion. The Sorcerer, or the person who holds the Enchanted, Still beating, Heart has complete control over the victim. like a Puppet. It's the Voodoo Doll on a extreme level. The Heartless sim can do things, Those with hearts cannot. Like be unapologetic, could be another trait on its own but It's cooler this way. Restoring the Heart allows the Victim to feel again, and have control over themselves.
    **If done correctly this spell doesn't go against the (meaningless) ratings, there's no blood, a little pain to the victim, and after I just saw the exorcism that happened in Stranger Things in StrangeVille, I think it's fine if a Sim reaches into the chest (Magically) and tears out their heart. making the sim an empty puppet.

    Vindictive - This sim has a strange unforgiving nature, best you don't cross them!

    Impulsive - Careful this person is a Wild Card when it comes to emotions, and their actions.

    Pompous - Selfish but on a Higher Level, I need to create a Sim, well a few sims who reeks of arrogance. That person no one likes who feels entitled and will be forever alone because they only think of themselves.

    Precocious - something for the kids, can be an annoying trait sometimes, but I love a kid who is sharp and gives their parent a run for their money.

    Dreamer - These sims can escape to a world of their own Making, by just staring off into the Ether, especially when times are tough.
    This trait would be Great to Have in a Sorcerers GP, Sorcerers, and Humans, would have more success in achieving their ambitions... and with a little magic in their corner, there's nothing holding them back!

    Awesome ideas! Thanks for taking time to explain.