This will be my first challenge - it seems quite fun so far. I've added the following rules
The blood oath will be enhanced using the club feature
- When a new thrall is added, whichever club activity (i.e. money making capability that can be done on the estate) they choose to engage in first becomes their "Job".
- Club perks will be spent to increase the speed at which thralls gain ability in their professions
Thralls that choose writing or painting will be treated better than those that dirty their hands with lesser tasks
- nicer amenities in their cells, once the estate has earned enough to afford them
- their fist masterpiece will be kept to memorialize them in a gallery dedicated to their works. If it is a painting, it will be named after them
- they will be guaranteed kind death
- their needs will be actively managed, whereas others will be left to fend for themselves
- the master will initiate conversations with them, and may even take them as lovers
- the master will only feed on them with permission
- they will be allowed to participate in dinner parties as guests
- they may join the master on supervised outings
- their urns and gravestones will be kept within an indoor crypt
Only the master may be a musician
Vlad must be killed by the master after completing the aspiration part of the challenge