Yes to all of this and I just want to add on how cool it would be to have a wedding planner career, where you would get to help a client with their wedding, just like the interior decorator career where you find out their taste and style, likes and dislikes.
Somethings I think would be great in a career like this
- new venue type, wedding hall
- decorating a venue on clients selected (randomized) location (banquet hall, beach, seaside, etc)
- Completing goaled tasks like all other playable careers
- Tasks will be things like
•greet the vendors
•organize bridal party photos
•seat guests for ceremony
•ensure all tables are set
•fix any broken or damaged decorations
•fix/check flowers for quality
•check quality of food
•select a cake based on sims preferences
•throw flower petals
•help bride with requests
•help bride adjust hair, makeup, dress
- you can select a variety of vendors based on clients budget
- Vendors could be
I see this being a game pack that also comes with the ability to plan your own wedding with way more details like mentioned above and way more wardrobe options. Kind of how you can work and also visit a restaurant with dine out, you can work as a wedding planner but also go out and have your own wedding however you like it.