Forum Discussion

Almaedia's avatar
New Rookie
7 months ago

Base game wants

Just to reiterate what everyone else is saying. A few things i would love to see added to the sims 4 :)

  • Inclusivity

Wheelchairs, amputees, ability for sims to be blind and deaf. This could also introduce SSL (Sim Sign Language) lol.

  • Injuries

I think it would be interesting if sims could get actual injuries instead of just dying. Like if something catches on fire the sim could be left with burns and a scar. I think this should be a setting that you could turn on and off and some sims could be more injury prone if they were clumsy. 

  • multi-functional lots

I want to be able to build multiple businesses on one lot or have a combined function building. Like a coffee shop-museum or a shop where the owner lives above it. I think the way this could happen would be to have a “multi-functional” lot type where you can then choose sub lots and apply them to sections of the full lot.

  • Different heights 

We have been asking for this. I understand this would take a bit because animations have to be changed but it doesn’t have to be a slider, I would honestly be happy with 3 height presets of short, average, and tall.

  • Cars

Just some basic functional cars that aren’t from the debug menu. Sims could buy cars online similar to how pet adoption works or they could just be in build mode. 

  • Multiplayer


  • Custom lot types

Ability to create lot types. Make custom lot type presets by setting a name, choosing the icon, choosing the requirements, etc.

Thats all for now on base game stuff :)











4 Replies

  • I am in love with this idea.  What I fear is that all these ideas we have will be put into the Sims 5 and we have to start all over again. 🙁 hopefully they do it right I'm tired of changing sims games. I love them all its like a forced breakup! not cool EA. LOL.

    I definitely want the multiple business idea and also, I'm upset because we are limited on building things like there isn't enough space for building. Thats where I miss the sims 2 because it was so much design involved but the buildings are so limited. 

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    7 months ago

    Interesting ideas. Just some feedback on it.

    • Disability is hard to get right. A lot of animations will be required. Plus all those over 50 DLC too. No, no deaf person in real life suddenly hears stuff when... checks activities... when they hear strange noises in haunted houses.
    • Injury system is something brought into base game from Snowy Escape. Basically, sims can get injured by snow activity failures, falling when climbing, getting crushed by vending machines, or fighting with werewolves. If the moodlet gets bad enough, they can die by falling or getting crushed by a vending machine. If that's the system we have in the base game right now, then this needs more expanding. Add more causes to this, add more consequences.
    • Multi-functional lots have been something said that they're looking into. While I don't know how long it'll take, here's hoping that the way residential rentals were handled was the first step.
    • Different heights is still something I don't see happening. Yes, animations take work, you understand it correctly. However, right now there are over 50 DLC and counting. Remember, when the toddlers were released, the promo image included one of them holding a bubble blower bottle, but in-game, they can't do that. That is also why I'm against pre-teens too.
    • Nothing more to add on cars. It is... difficult to imagine. Yes, you could use it to access Travel interaction, but for extra immersion, that car needs to be parked somewhere too.
    • Oh boy people have been against multiplayer mode due to fears that it tanks the game down like it did with SimCity. However, The Sims 4 started development as a multiplayer game before they switched to singleplayer game (probably because how terribly SimCity did). Don't think we'll see that in the future unfortunately...
    • Custom lot types... Now that's an idea that I really like. Generic lots won't attract any visitors after all. So, to expand on the idea, you'll also need to set what activities will sims do on their own, what service sims show up there (bartenders, vendors etc), what outfit sims wear there, what social events can be thrown etc. Another thing to think about is that how will the club gathering invitation be handled as each lot type has a different message. That I am interested in seeing it through.
  • Almaedia's avatar
    New Rookie
    7 months ago

    Unfortunately a lot of my wishes are pretty in depth changes that I don’t see happening, but it’s fun to imagine lol

  • Almaedia's avatar
    New Rookie
    7 months ago

    It’s so tricky to draw the line between what I want to be able to customize and when things should be left alone so that the game doesn’t get too intricate 😭