Base game wants
Just to reiterate what everyone else is saying. A few things i would love to see added to the sims 4 :)
- Inclusivity
Wheelchairs, amputees, ability for sims to be blind and deaf. This could also introduce SSL (Sim Sign Language) lol.
- Injuries
I think it would be interesting if sims could get actual injuries instead of just dying. Like if something catches on fire the sim could be left with burns and a scar. I think this should be a setting that you could turn on and off and some sims could be more injury prone if they were clumsy.
- multi-functional lots
I want to be able to build multiple businesses on one lot or have a combined function building. Like a coffee shop-museum or a shop where the owner lives above it. I think the way this could happen would be to have a “multi-functional” lot type where you can then choose sub lots and apply them to sections of the full lot.
- Different heights
We have been asking for this. I understand this would take a bit because animations have to be changed but it doesn’t have to be a slider, I would honestly be happy with 3 height presets of short, average, and tall.
- Cars
Just some basic functional cars that aren’t from the debug menu. Sims could buy cars online similar to how pet adoption works or they could just be in build mode.
- Multiplayer
- Custom lot types
Ability to create lot types. Make custom lot type presets by setting a name, choosing the icon, choosing the requirements, etc.
Thats all for now on base game stuff :)