I agree @thornwill. Excellent list of suggestions. I enjoy playing ghosts and there is so much more that could be done with them.
Spectral Energy
Yes, I agree, this is needed. Adjust the motives panel of Ghosts to be more fitting to their Life State. A common theory among Ghost Hunters and Mediums is that when a Ghost interacts with objects of the physical world, it costs them energy. It's exhaustive. In popular culture, the movie Ghost alludes to this concentration and energy cost. Would be a good idea to mimic the Vampire Energy bar and remove the physical Energy bar.
Ghosts should have the motive to haunt objects
- Spectral Energy - Prominent Bar
- Social
- Fun
- Haunting - more interactions please. To not haunt would risk Fading Away.
Disable/Remove Physical Body motives. Restore if it is related to cause of Death.
- Hygiene - unless died by Fire. Fire-death ghosts seek out water activities. Overheated ghosts use to cool off.
- Bladder - remove
- Hunger - Starvation-death ghosts require this.
Haunting Need
If the Haunting Need depletes, the Ghost could disappear into oblivion. To keep their grasp into the physical world, they must interact with it.
- Scare Sims
- Possess Sims
- Leave haunting messages
- Clank chains
- Ghostly laugh (Playful)
- Ghostly wail (Sad)
- Sing a ghostly song (City Living)
- Play a ghostly melody (possess Piano)
- Play ghostly music (possess Stereo)
- Show Spooky Scary Skeletons (possess TV)
- Flicker lights (possess Lamps)
- Leave ghostly footprints
New Fear: Fading Away
Only experienced by ghosts.
Click on a headstone or Urn > Hibernate. The hibernating Headstone will glow and sparkle with orbs. Restores Spectral Energy.
Love this ability with Vampires and Coffins. Would also like the option to hibernate my Ghost to maybe only haunt at night, as an example. Ghosts should also be able to hibernate in Coffins if the Vampires pack is installed.
Unfortunately, Ghosts downloaded from the Gallery will not have a headstone or Urn. Would like that to be remedied, somehow. One way, I thought, could be to introduce a Memorial Altar.
Headstone, Urn and Memorial Altar Interactions
- Reminisce
- Moment of Silence
- Mourn
- Leave a Rose
- Leave a Sugar Skull
If a Ghost becomes unbound to their Urn or Headstone, the Ghost can reclaim it.
If a Ghost does not have Headstone or Urn, they can bind to the Memorial Altar.
Unbound Spirits
If a Ghost is unbound, they can become a Wandering Ghost. They will become aimless and Tense. If a Ghost has depleted their Energy, they will continually possess the bed object or cry at the foot of the bed of a sleeping Sim.
Unbound Spirits have an increased risk of Fading Away.
Memorial Altar
Ghosts can bind to this object if they do not have a Headstone or Urn.
- Indoor Cabinet
- Urn slot
- Photo frame
- Burn incense
- Light candles
- Hibernate (Ghost)
- Restore Energy (Ghost)
Ghosts have always been such spooky fun in the Sims games. Hope this thread provides some spooky inspiration for some ghostly upgrades.