Instead of one new world (usually having 3 neighborhoods) I’d rather wish for 3 small destination worlds, consisting of one neighborhood.
Hotel types: Based on the facilities, there could be different hotel classes (star system) and room types. Accordingly, the stay is more comfortable.
- Hostel with shared rooms, bed bugs, locker, rooftop bar
- Bed and breakfast or retro motel with thin walls, hourly hotel, bad coffee
- Traditional housing like ryokan
- Up to luxury resort with spa, room service, suite with own chef, room service, shuttle, ...
Reasons to stay: not only vacationing could be a reason to stay in a hotel: business trips (offsite, research), hourly hotel with the affair, school trip, honeymoon, bachelor farewell, shelter, ...
Own a hotel: not only visit but also be the owner and manager similar to the restaurant expansion pack.
- advertising, setting prices
- checking guests in, taking them to their rooms
- hire employees
Get there: usually traveling doesn’t play a big role in Sims, but could also become a thing like:
- Travel office/planer (new career?)
- Packing luggage/backpack
- Airport/rental car (new careers?)
- Jetlag
- Welcome ceremony
- Lost luggage/luggage service/..