Forum Discussion

HollownessDevour's avatar
Rising Novice
3 days ago

Missing Thumbnails in Resource Files

I am mainly a Sims 3 player but a Sims wiki editor and since the wiki is behind in Sims 4 resources and updates, I decided to install Sims 4 since it was free (and bought some packs on sale to provide other missing resources). As a novice Sims 3 / 4 modder I know how to look for resource files such as icons and thumbnails (both resource and auto generated). But what I noticed is quite a few 180x180 food/drink resource thumbnails are missing and the auto generate is only 64x64. Since I bought some of these packs mostly to expand the wiki (I am a pretty dedicated wiki editor), I was disappointed to see some of these thumbnails were also missing from the pack resource files too.

I think it would be nice if in one of the patch/updates these missing thumbnails were added and if missing from any pack to be added. People use wikis and guides to help them decide on purchasing packs, in essence promoting the franchise and advertising for it, so as a wiki editor I'd really appreciate this request considered, I am sure the thumbnails still exist (either internally and unretrievable on our end) but never made it as a resource or not linked to the object.

Some missing 180x180 thumbnails:

  • Acarajé, Brigadeiro, Challah and Hallacas (group/full meals, singles were available)
  • Boiling Frog Hot Pot and Steamed Fish (both thumbnails missing)
  • Vampire drinks (all but plasma jane that was available)

There could be more, but I scoured the resource files for days looking for these and asked another editor and they also said some/all of these are missing  too. Some thumbnails are definitely missing.

If this is not planned to be added in an update, can a Simguru or EA rep upload these missing files on the wiki directly (, or at the very least allow that auto generated thumbnails for food/drink also be available at 180x180 px or at least 116x116 px for the localthumbcache file.

I know official reps usually have better things to do, but I have been on wikis were app game reps provide resource files for the wikis and provide assistance from time to time. So I thought I'd at least ask.

Thank you for the read and best regards.


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