Forum Discussion
31 Replies
- jpkarlsen4 years agoHero (Retired)
Random townies are a necessity to man stalls, bars and so on.
They do not have anything to do with your game crashing. If you have a problem with that I suggest that you create a post with specifics in The Sims 4 | Forum | Technical Issues – PC | EA Answers HQ
- Psychotps4 years agoSeasoned Ace@chillaxbruhz
Yea, that's been a problem for a VERY long time. It's kindof a bug, more like a "design flaw" in the game.
Problem is, it's not easily fixed. Mods have tried. Illegal mods like NPCC tried but it's severely broken.
Zero has a "no random" mod that works pretty well, but it takes a lot of work to utilize. It stops ALL random sim generation. Problem is, you NEED these sims to play. Like the acting career, with this mod, you never get Directors generated and that makes it impossible to play.
He has another mod that allows you to choose existing sims for those roles, but you have to do that for ALL roles, mailmen, maids, butlers, bartenders, producers, repomen, paps, firemen... etc etc... there are a hundred roles. It takes a lot of work to set it up.
That's what I'm doing right now. I have a "template" save that I use to start new games. I'm using his mods to create my own sims for ALL of those roles and saving it into my starter template save. I have over 30 service sims created so far... - LonaBoom4 years agoSeasoned Ace@chillaxbruhz I do believe the random spawn in the game is cause lagging in the game, I have found if I delete them it help with my game and my computer don't sound like a motor running, I have already ran every test on my computer and it works perfect , I followed Radeon guide so my game don't lag anymore.
When your sims travel to strangerville or college area the game will start spawning in for the story, you can make townies yourself and also college townies also, that can help with limited all those random townies so much. I've created 8 college townies and other townies who work as vendors and it works perfect, I do keep so game created townies I like in my game but the new ones that come in they are deleted. - Morgyn_Ember4 years agoSeasoned Rookie
Can you guys please add a option though? Like I understand that certain roles need to be filled but why not add the option anyway & let the game use sims that are already in your game. Us console players desperately need that option cause the game will generate so many sims for no reason even though roles like Mail Carrier, etc are already filled. So to a certain point of view the game will eventually crash due to a overload. & I'm on the xbox series s. Thank you & have a good day
Because what if those Sims die? There's no automatic story progression like in Sims 3. If those Sims die, then there's nobody to fill the spot. Your game shouldn't be crashing from overload. That sounds like a bug in itself.
- Morgyn_Ember4 years agoSeasoned Rookie
It's not even the fact that if the sims die. Us consoles players still need the option because the game since day 1 has been generating those townies so much. & it's been the biggest issue of sims 4 on consoles. If the game crashes from an overload its definitely a bug with the generation of townies. Players like myself do not play with aging turned on so we should be good to have that option.
Do you know the name of the second mod by Zero you mentioned? The one where you assign jobs for existing sims. thanks
- daikoyu3 years agoSeasoned Ace
It should be Assign NPCs Roles but I don’t know if he active update this mods (or if it needed) Zero is a modder which generally not always clear if the mods still works after an update.
- xochiquetzl_xkvn3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Yeah, I'm having MCCC pull townies from my tray, and every now and then I go out to the gallery and download more cute townies. They're pulled in at random ages and with random traits and careers, but I was just trying to avoid the horrible RNG outfits.
The thing is, yeah, the game needs these random NPCs wandering around your game. If you go to a bar, it generates (or pulls from my tray) a mixologist and a "barfly" to be someone who hangs around in bars a lot and also pulls in your townies (Mortimer Goth, Bob Pancakes, your played Sims from other households, etc.). Also yeah, the Get Famous acting career needs a lot--directors, makeup, costume, camera... Also librarians, etc.
Sadly, if you marry an NPC mixologist they will be unemployed. I understand things like librarian, as that's not a playable career, but... I fear I cheated the mixologist back to the career level I thought matched her NPC career.
I'm on Xbox Series S as well and I play with ageing off.
I was having issues too with absolutely loads of townies being generated after cottage living, I know they were addressing that but I feel that it does still happen in CoL worlds.
I cull NPCs regularly and try and avoid the ones that I know from my retail stores, bars, stalls, etc. The other day I thought I'd accidentally deleted the Crumplebottoms though but luckily I hadn't.
I agree it would benefit from a button to enable/disable generation of townies. That way we could have more control over the townies we have. If we had a set number and saw the same ones all the time. It might make them feel like more a part of the game instead of a random annoyance in some cases. When it adds so many new ones it's often stranger after stranger. I try and keep a core group of them but randoms are constantly arriving.
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