game completely broken
Every time I load in the game, no matter what save I enter, the game doesn't respond to me. If I move an item in build mode, it is unmoved when I exit build mode. Time doesn't move, and speeding up or slowing down doesn't change the time. I cannot switch between sims unless I press escape after, but they cannot perform any actions even then. I've repaired the game, completely uninstalled it, and installed it; this is the second time this has happened to me. It started working again once after I created a new save, but eventually, after making significant progress in any of my saves, it all breaks down again. The more troubleshooting I do, and the longer I keep the Sims 4 open, the more problems occur, and the game begins to freeze.I've also uninstalled every mod. What can I do? I've had the game installed on my MacBook for almost two years now and never had issues like this before ☹️ please help!