Forum Discussion

eliyaris's avatar
10 hours ago

Grim Reaper Quests gone

The missions in the questbar just disappeared and I cant get them back. Tried to reload the game, load into another save, repaired the game, removed all mods. Nothing. I have no chance in continuing the event :(

  • JMyklebust's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I get the same.

    Also, before that, I the 'Plant Lily' and 'Plant Snapdragon' wouldn't go away even though I planted each kind 3 times

  • The same thing happened to me! I have mods installed, turned them off, and it still doesn't work.

  • Megahue's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I have the same issue with the tasks "Plant a Lily" and "Plant a Snapdragon". I planted them in a sheltered location. My Sim is a level 10 gardener.  I am unable to move forward with the next task. 

  • Just tried this and it thankfully worked for me: