Grim Reaper Rewards Event
- 5 months ago
JLS023 ktoll9 churatan MissAshley686 DarkPhoenixDown alibeatner Hisaur blewbirdbre maruubnd and everyone else I can't @ mention because this site has a limit, apparently
Please use the relevant thread(s) below. If your particular issue isn't covered, please create a new thread on Answers HQ, where these and other bugs are currently being tracked. Since this is a massive collection thread at this point (covering multiple distinct issues), and each separate issue has its own bug thread already,I'll lock it here.'s a workaround here as well:
@ churatan Make sure you're using the Grimophone to summon the Reaper.
tallulahgrace Did you delete accountDataDB.package, or do you have OneDrive or iCloud Drive active and syncing your files? The accountDataDB file holds your progress for the tasks.