Sims 4 Home Decorator - thanks for this large stuff pack
Thanks for this $20 stuff pack. Actually paranormal had more game play. The “game” pack comes with no new traits, no new aspirations, no new world, and minimal “game” play. For $20 you get a lot of buy items (which you can get for free as cc). In addition you get 1 career created on an existing gig system with minimal new animation. Adding a world to fix as a decorator might have saved this (especially since lot space is desperately needed). I guess that would have required too much effort. The new career provides no challenge, and as always your happy robot sim will love no matter what you do. You can put trash. Don’t worry they will love it. I guess the sims team thinks this bare minimum is worth your money. Why try when you make cash anyway. For the first time I am wondering, if I should just switch to mods and cc not get anymore ea content. I did mod my game (which I was against), because it is simply boring, uninspiring and not enjoyable. I find modders put more effort into their creations.