Forum Discussion

kinsaray's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 years ago

28 Jasmine Suites

Just bringing attention to another ignored bug where the doors disappear and cannot be replaced. There is a support thread on it, supposedly brought on by a Paranormal pack issue (that I haven't even tried), but no matter. I'm afraid to buy anything else because I'm sure there will be another surprise waiting...

This is the only way to put the doors back :D
  • kinsaray's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Kbobster;c-18147957" wrote:
    I've never had this issue! Sorry, I can't help more. Can you explain it in more detail? Do you have any weird mods or something as well? I have Paranormal and my doors don't do that.

    It's not a mod, the issue is still there after I removed the mods folder and cleared the cache files. Not long after i bought that pack I opened that lot to play and it gave the missing item popup. Then I noticed the doors were gone.

    This is what happens when I try to put the door back:
  • I'm sorry that you're having problems with your game. That's an unusual bug. If the issue still exists, it may be easier to load an earlier save game. If that is not an option, you can use the T.O.O.L. mod. I've seen other players use it to replace doors and windows in apartments. It will make those apartments functional again. There are tutorials on YouTube.

    Good luck.