Was playing around a bit to see what items sims will use in shared spaces. They definitely use the game table (had some sims playing simbles) along with the vending machines as well.
wondering if anyone has tried redoing the balconies in Eco Living? Or even rebuilding the apartments? I can only play on my laptop for now and haven't installed any packs as yet on it. Waiting "oh so patiently" for my pc to come home to me. LOL
It would appear that if your sim has the Generous trait Vlad (at least) won't feed off you when he breaks in. My sim has this trait and Vlad just came and after mesmerizing her he just stared at her for a bit, chatted for a bit then left. She then went to her computer, still under his spell, and started playing Sims Forever. Crazy lol.
ETA: At least that's my theory why Vlad didn't drink from her...
There is also a blight for your garden plants that happens. It says something like "Plants are dying all over the place" and you can buy a spray that costs $250 or do it yourself to get rid of it.
Testing out the werewolf apartment I made, filling some with werewolf tenants. It's not too bad, but that chaos that comes during full moon is... wow... Electrical box broken, water heater broken, furniture scratched, werewolves running around...
So, if you want chaos, here's an idea.
Edit. Ah yes, for context, this was the lot I was testing. The main goal was mostly how much will that much units affect the gameplay flow and little on how will it be with werewolves on the lot.
After Zerbu shared this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ZerbuTabek/status/1732149917093675089?t=gXBcwx3ogXq65Po4WoRdbQ&s=19
It seems like the limit isn't just a number in code. Thinking of how the apartments are handled in previous packs and how it was handled in The Sims 2, my conclusion is simple:
There are 99 or 100 hidden unit lots. Each time you make a new unit, you "order" one unit lot to be a part of the lot you're building.
But of course, that's just a theory...
By my theory, I have thought about one thing:
By that logic, the first unit that is there when you turn a lot into a Residential Rental lot shouldn't count towards the limit. (Spoilers: No, it does count towards the limit, but this can be used to go over the limit)
So, under the spoilers, here's the test I made (Picture heavy!!!). So, oh boy, I removed the units in Tomarang and made a lot with 99 units. Over about 20, the game were more slower than before. And the result: I hit the limit on 99, at which point the game gave me the same message as if I had 6 units and no cheat:
Anyway, let's get to another lot! I can make it into a Residential Rental lot, and I can assign the first unit. However, I can't make another unit, and this time the 100 unit limit message comes.
Yet I went to another lot and I could make it into a single-unit Residential Rental lot! And yet again, the limit came up!
I filled all the other lots with one-unit Residential Rental lots and checked back to my original 99 unit lot. No unit was lost!
Let's remove one unit by removing one room. Now, by choosing the empty room, I still got the 100 limit per save message.
This means that the single unit from single-unit Residential Rental will also count towards the limit, but once the limit is reached, you are still free to make more single-unit Residential Rental lots. Also, still couldn't add more units to the other lots.
So yeah, I still think my theory might be it, but the limit just counts single-unit Residential Rentals towards the limit even though it just the same one lot. Of course, now that I have an opportunity to test it out, I wanted to also see if the Gallery can be used to go over the limit. Unfortunately, no.
You can place it on lots that already has the same amount or more units though, but on other lots, you get the same message on the world map. In short, once you hit the limit, you won't be able to add more units or download Residential Rental lots from the Gallery (if it has more units). However, you will be able to make more Residential Rental lots, but these can only have one unit (which will count towards the limit, but no other unit will be removed).
Still, I still wish that the limit is increased. Though fortunately, TwistedMexi is working on it, I'd wish there was an official way.