Love the MOO cheat, but I can’t stand when builders go crazy with it and render their own builds unusable. Most of the time I can identify where the problem stems from (it’s usually overlapped objects, or objects placed using the raise cheat) and remove the problem object, but sometimes that can be impossible without erasing multiple objects.
For my own builds I try to only stack objects that are not within a routing path. I also tend to not use the raise/lower or grow/shrink cheat on anything with gameplay interactions assigned to them. For some that will break their usage and render them as decor. Looks good, and it’s a creative way to build but it’s not enjoyable for playing.
I think the gallery should be updated with a flag option for players to report broken uploads to the creator. So that they can be notified and have the option to fix the build if they want to reupload it. Builds that have huge routing errors should be taken off the gallery IMO. It’s a waste of server space, and really not fair to the people downloading the lot to play in.