As someone who pointed out in another thread Sims speak Simlish, and should remain so. Sims don't have a god, I am their god, Sims don't care who is straight or gay or elder, child, adult or teen. They have no such restrictions, introducing clothing to separate Sims in my opinion, is a form of tribalism, and I'm all for people playing their games however they want to play. All straight Sims or all gay Sim in a world, or all elder or all children (if they could) and or all werewovles or all vamps. I think you get my point, it's their game let them tell their own stories. However, when we start to virtue signal (because of a politcial movement going on right now that Maxis must think some of are asleep about) and scream diversity and ridicule others because they don't want the diversity then we aren't diverse at all. Because diversity means you play your way and I play mine and don't call others names because they don't have this or that Sim or race or culture or clothes type in their games. To me Sims has always been my world, my rules, my game. It hasn't been so in TS4. I'm made to feel if I don't have X amount of white, or black or brown or other 'cultural Sims' in my story there is something wrong with me. Uh, no, there is something wrong with virtue signaling and trying to make me play what others want. I may be playing all hobbits and no one's business. It's why The Sims was such a great game years ago but not anymore. Not since Maxis decided to tell me what to think and how to feel ETA: by seeding the game with their own causes instead of the gameplay people long for and turned The Sims into an empty representation game instead of gameplay and the neutral world of Sims.