You actually
could edit the family tree with relationshipbit cheats, but it's a very long process and it's best to add him to the household and set relationships in CAS since the cheat way could get wonky if you make a mistake. I also don't know if they still work now since these are old, but I'll write it up here just in case if you want to try anyway. I only used them a couple times way back when I forgot to set relationships before :joy:
You'd have to get the IDs of all 4 sims to modify relationships with this cheat in the cheat console:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name simfirstname simlastname
so it'd come out as
sims.get_sim_id_by_name Johnny Zest for Johnny's ID, and so on for Geoffrey, Nancy, and Malcolm. You'll get a long string of numbers, which you're going to have to keep a note of.
Then you'll have to add a "relationship bit" with this cheat:
relationship.add_bit simID targetsimID relationshipBit
"simID" is for the first sim, and "targetsimID" is who you're modifying the relationship to.
So for example, for Malcolm's relationship with Johnny, let's say Malcolm Landgraab's ID is "111111111" and Johnny Zest is "123456789" (the numbers won't be that short, but just to get my explanation across)--The cheat would come out to
relationship.add_bit 123456789 111111111 family_brother_sister as Johnny Zest is the sim you're adding the relationship to with Malcolm; This makes it so Johnny recognizes Malcolm as his brother, and vice versa. If it doesn't work correctly, you can always try reversing IDs with the same relationship bit (or double check the ID)
If you want Johnny Zest to be Nancy Landgraab's son, you would set it as Johnny Zest's ID first, then Nancy Landgraab's with the relationship bit
"family_parent". Order is important here, since you're trying to make it as "Johnny recognizes Nancy as his Parent" instead of "Nancy recognizes Johnny as her Parent."
Let's say the sim ID for Nancy Landgraab's is "000000000" (Johnny Zest is still "123456789," IDs don't change)-- The cheat would look like
relationship.add_bit 123456789 000000000 family_parent so Johnny would recognize Nancy as his mother. However, to Nancy, this relationship doesn't exist to her, so you'd have to set the ID's reversed so you would have Nancy's relationship modified for Johnny with
relationship.add_bit 000000000 123456789 family_son_daughter.
This makes it so Nancy recognizes Johnny as her son since Johnny is the target sim now. This would be applied similarly with Geoffrey.
...But just to reiterate, this way is sort of a time consuming when you can set it with MCC now or just CAS it up. I only used it then because my household at the time was too full and I was too lazy to separate them :joy: