Forum Discussion

JadeSongs's avatar
8 years ago

Anybody play themselves in The Sims?

I played Second Life a long time and in Second Life, players not only make their avatars look like themselves, they many times believe and act as if their avatars are them. The game is even advertised on the idea you make yourself and play as yourself. Once I was exploring a European town in Second Life with a female and she wanted to change her top since it was a hot day in the game, (yes extreme role playing) so she insisted on finding a room to go into away from me to change her top as she wanted privacy. She seemed to see no difference between her avatar body and her real one.

I naturally approached The Sims based on my other game experiences so I made a Sim to be me, and then played from that perspective. All the Sims big Youtubers.... they all seem to play in 3rd person......I will make this sim do this and that..... oh this sim likes that sim.... they never say "I" am doing this or that. They don't say, "I am doing the 100 baby challenge." No, they say,,,,,this sim avatar "Mary" is doing it, they never refer to the sim as them.

I played World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy online, Second Life etc, all games where you play as the avatar you create in 1st person mode. So yea, it seems natural to me to make a Sim to be me... then play as that character. Was just wondering if others made themselves to play as.

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