Forum Discussion

xmerer's avatar
6 years ago

Anyone else having issues with vampires since last update?

Haven't experimented with it too much yet to see exactly when the problem shows up (ie if it's just my one Sim or a single file or whatever else), but I have a vampire who just reached Grand Master and now can't use some of his powers. Anytime he tries to use Influence Emotions or Dark Meditation, he waves his arms like there's a routing error. This happens whether he's in a house or a wide open area.

As I said, I haven't done much to pinpoint the problem yet, but I'm curious if I'm the only one having it.

6 Replies

  • A lot of people are reporting similar things with Dark Meditation and Influence Emotions. Some have been reporting issues in CAS as well, something to do with changing how copying a Sim to a dark form works I believe.
  • XxAirixX's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    I just tested it out on both new and old save games with my vampire and yes, I think this time it is a bug and not an cc or mod issue. Probably due to the occult linking thing. Hopefully this will be patched during an emergency patch.

    So far I noticed the emotions and dark meditation isn't working. I hadn't messed around in cas with Vampires.
  • Thanks, appreciate it! Has there been a bug report started yet, to anyone's knowledge? If not, I'll start a new one.

  • Vampires is a really buggy game pack and I cannot contain my disappointment for the way it's been treated by the Sims team. We've got bugs that have been identified seven months ago, and no fix for them except to just not play vampires that have been affected. Meanwhile, the team has fixed a cosmetic issue with the powers and weaknesses UI after you use the Draught of Reconfiguration. It's madness.

    It's infuriating to find that there are yet more bugs that have been introduced, and I'll be sure to highlight these in an upcoming stream so that everyone knows that when you buy the Vampires pack, you're buying £1 of game and £17 of bugs.
  • Vampires is still my favorite game pack. Having no bugs would make it much easier to enjoy my favorite game pack, though. :(

    Hopefully this gets fixed soon.