Forum Discussion

EnkiSchmidt's avatar
5 years ago

(Apartments) Walking is loud noise?

Is there a list of actions that count as creating loud noise in apartments?

I'm asking because I was doing some testing that required my sims to sit and stand still and do nothing. They sat for hours in the kitchen, that was okay with the neighbors apparently. But then, shortly before midnight, they walked a few steps and proceed to stand still in the floor, next thing I knew was the apartment neighbor hammering at my door and berating my sims for being inconsiderate.

Does the game check if my sims actually lie in bed? I got into trouble before for my simchild flushing the toilet in the night (as well as a few deserved cases where I simply forgot to check the clock before bringing out the instrument, my bad).

I also suspect that relationship plays a role, because neutral neighbors are far more inclined to complain than friendly ones. But that my be confirmation bias on my part.
  • "AquaGamer1212;c-17543149" wrote:
    Wait the neighbors can come to your door too?! ??

    This: I have never had my neighbours complain. I'm usually the one banging on their doors for noisy music/woohoo.
  • I always get the cheap apartments in Culpepper apartments.

    I haven't played with apartments in a while but now with get famous, I'm wondering if I can take a picture of the older lady or her son when they come to the door in the french maid outfit and post it on social media.
  • I've only had the neigbours complain because of microphone, instruments or workout equipment.
  • "Stina1701A;c-17543312" wrote:
    Is this in San Myshuno or the new apartments that came with Eco Life? Because I've never had a neighbours come to complain to a household I am actively playing unless they either use musical instruments or the microphone in the late evening and at night and very rarely. It is usually the other way around. My Sims have to bang on neighbours doors and yell at them.

    San Myshuno and not just since Eco Living. I have that happen now and then, not often enough to be annoying, but to be noticeable.

    "Stina1701A;c-17543312" wrote:
    I find that if I manage to keep friendly relations (a few dinner parties and invitations to tea helps alot) with the neighbours it does keep the neighbours from creating disturbance.

    I did have an apartment landing that was turnt into a war zone but then everybody hated each other. Even the kids got in on it.

    Now I haven't played in San Myshuno for a while and not since the new patch and I don't have Eco living so maybe things have changed, either a bug or some new 'feature'.

    Yes, this may be the key here. I also noticed that keeping relationships friendly helps a lot. So it may very well be that it's not my sims' actions at all that trigger the complaining, but that the game is coded to play neighbors who are merely "acquaintainces" as more likely to complain. Case in point: The neighbor who berated my family for just standing in the floor and doing nothing was new. Argh, I wish I knew exactly and wouldn't have to play a guessing game here.
  • "EnkiSchmidt;c-17543878" wrote:
    "crocobaura;c-17543843" wrote:
    I thought the different floors made specific noises when sims walked on them, didn't they?

    They do! I'll need to keep an eye on whether that affects neighbor complains, thanks for the pointer :) The family in question has linoleum in the kitchen and hardwood in the floor.

    I also checked the tuning files, but honestly have no idea what I am reading. But there were several files that dealt with child noise. Several of the occurences I cannot explain indeed involved kids, so maybe my game is glitching a little and interprets every child action as loud play? Although that doesn't explain why the adult vampire mentioned in this thread was yelled at.

    Don't know how the game is programmed to react to neighbours' noise. In real life some noises appear louder at night because everything else is quiet. Some sounds don't have to be particularly loud to be heard, but it does depend on the neighbours' tolerance to sounds, I guess.