They've generally been working as on the tin for me, but I haven't used any cheats. So, really, the question is whether the cheats are bugged (which is a valid problem). It reminds me of the Parenthood phases, most of which I like. I really hate the 'loud and obnoxious' phase, however, and it's annoying that the cheats don't work to remove it, and there is nothing in-game that will shorten it.
My Sim did lose a lifestyle (the adrenaline junkie, or whatever it's called) through neglect, and the moodlets disappeared. And it took a while to get the 'single and loving it' lifestyle, even though my Sim definitely wasn't doing anything to change her single status. Check to see if a lifestyle is really 'active' or simply 'in progress'. You can have multiple lifestyles 'in progress', while only three are 'active'.
The adrenaline junkie was a bit of a pain, but realistic considering that I was forcing her to knit and read instead of, you know, climbing stuff. My favourite so far is the healthy eating lifestyle - I won't say why, as I think that's a hidden one and I don't want to spoil it.