I don't have much hope for a baby update anymore. Well, at least we can now change their clothes with nifty knitting. I seriously thought a baby update was in the works back then. But it's been too long since then to think this could be a hint.
But I have moments where I miss the challenge of raising twins in sims 2 with spoiler baby bottles and dirty diapers to be taken care of.
For sims 4 I hope some day we get the option to easily switch cribs. I prefer the spellcaster and vampire cribs. When I place them on the lot before giving birth the baby ends up in those, no matter the child's occult status. But when I forget or have more babies then anticipated they are stuck in those hideous base game contraptions.
"SnaveXs;c-18018270" wrote:
I would like the ability to rename babies in bassinets and I don't even think MCCC has the option. I need this update for when Sims have babies in households I haven't played. They'll get a random name until I can change it during the toddler stage. In fact, I would love being able to name babies before they're born.
A rename option would be welcome. We can rename several objects as many times as we want, but not babies?