I don't upload sims often since I generally use CC, but my sims are pretty average, I think. I mostly make families or remake townie sims for either my main save file or for populating empty towns in new saves. (I also like writing little tidbits in their description because I like reading Maxis' descriptions for their premades.)
I have a few up in the gallery under "Cmehnt." I'm also in the process of pulling some CC off of some of my townies to upload as well since I saw this thread. :)
If you're still looking... Here are some of my single sims that are currently in the gallery:
The lazy
Poppy Post and the athletic
Ross Valle http://i.imgur.com/0MPx9cw.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/Yv9eh9P.png
The slacker
Cadence Salmon and the timid
Davin Skaggs.
The funky
Malaysia Steffen and the romantic,
Antoine Haas.
If they're any of your taste, they're around. I definitely have more families than single sims though. :)