Forum Discussion

LayeLeeSims's avatar
4 years ago

Bands Game Pack is coming?

Ok so i have some reasons why I think Bands are coming soon, probably for the next Game Pack.

I cant be the only one thinking that the new music festival thing make zero sense without bands. Even in the context of people missing concerts for covid. And it feels like a hint.

Especially cause i am remembering that kpop collab they did, where they featured a mysterious amp object we dont have yet.

And we are getting a group activities update for base game, to go along with Cottage Living. Why make that base game, unless you're going to use it for other things? Bands are a group activity, obviously.

And how can they not do a pack like that asap? They could sell so many Kits just for that alone. New instruments, costumes, regular outfits, stage sets (Ariana Grande Sweet Treats maybe lmao).

It feels like a sure thing to me, like this year. What do you guys think?

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