I don't own any of the available kits yet, but my wish for them is to skip furniture and rather focus one one feature - of course with a few items to go with it as suited. I'm sure the developers have tons of features nearly ready, features that were removed from previous packs. They might even be enough to base a new home business on.
My number 1 wish for a kit is a way to carv a big statue based on the looks of a chosen Sim, dead or still around, to have their statue in a local pak or at the graveyard, or whatever. It would need no furniyure, except perhaps a matching pedestal/foot that could even be used for other purposes. I'd love to the tmy head of the house as a sculpture at the family grave, or the most successful Mayor as a statue in front of the town hall. Some of my businesses and community lots have founders, that could be honored with a monument as well :) Such a kit would hardly need furmiture. A few decorative tools for the carving job, the monument base (small platform/end table), a ribbon feature for reveiling a new monument, and a few versions of flower wreaths/boquets to be placed in front of monument (and other graves) on memorial days. I'd love a kit like this :)