I have never played them, even though I recall Bob and Betty Newbie. But Bob and Betty seemed like a healthier, happier couple even if Bob Newbie was a bit of a slob and an oaf. Whereas Eliza's impression to me is that of a woman in denial who feels helpless to find a better life for herself, living with an ill-tempered slob who doesn't seem to like her much. I played that household for a few minutes and left never to return, with a bad taste in my mouth.
In the world, Eliza seems very intrusive as an NPC. She's everywhere, in everyone's business, yet also has some indefinable pathetic vibe. Anyway I don't blame her for being unhappy, married to that, but I do blame her for continuing to live that way when she has choices.
If I were to take them up again, it would be interesting to see if their relationship can ever be better considering their incompatibility. I might just choose one or the other, and split them up for their own sake.
But in the end, I don't like either of them and couldn't decide in the few minutes I spent on them, which was worse.
Maybe Neighborhood Progression will get them unstuck from their rut? Now that would be fun to see! Maybe they'll start a family, or maybe start seeing other people! That would make me pay attention.