I usually notice it in the Magic Realm. I have seen it somewhere else, but I don't remember where. It's common in the Magic Realm though.
I see a lot of children there in my game because I added a mod that lets children do magic. Ever since I added the mod, kids have started showing up at the Magic Realm to practice their spells and stuff. (I'm also seeing unsupervised toddlers popping in, and sitting around by the portal.)
The kids used to just show up in the regular clothes that I assigned to them though, but a few weeks ago they started wearing clothing I didn't assign to them. The dresses were most noticeable though, because we're seeing dresses on little boys that are rowdy little ruffians that would never be caught dead in a pretty dress. For example, we're playing a monster world now, and one household is the mother and child ghost from Ju-On. So one day we saw the creepy little kid from Ju-On walking around in a frilly dress. That was hilarious!