2 years agoSeasoned Newcomer
Broken Power walking?
Sigh, another features thats either bugged or only works if your sim is ONLY in the fine emotion. I have done "power walk" with 4 sims now and they never do the new power walk animation. They will only do their normal walk picked from cas or if they are confident, energized, etc....they will do that walk. Either this is a bug or it was made incredibly bad if your sim will only do the "special power walk" when not doing one of the other walks I mentioned. If you select power walk, it should both void any emotion walks or ur cas picked walk......anyone else notice this issue? All 4 of my sims were YA to Elder. There were literally a very small amount of features with new animations, the losing a tooth thing for kids which has been taken out for who knows how long, and this which either doesnt work properly or is incredibly poorly programmed and finicky, not sure which.