I'm ashamed to say this, but, I was a Bully.
I bullied to this guy in my class when we were about 7 or 8. I was really mean, and when I look back on it it makes me want to do over. I was in with the 'It' crowd of my school and I only bullied this guy because my other friends were doing it.
Now, I'm almost done Secondary School and the guy I bullied is my best friend. We do everything together which is quite crazy since it felt like yesterday I was calling him names. He brings it up from time to time and all we do is joke about how stupid I was, and I don't mind that. I was foolish and stupid.
Other then that I've never been bullied. I've been called a name or two on several occasions, but, that happens to us all.
Anyways, back to the actual topic. I'm unsure on this. Bullying is already in every other Sims game to some extent, you can just make one Sim be mean to another Sim all the time. But, I'm not sure if Proper Bullying is right for TS4, I mean Bullying can lead to suicidal thoughts and well-- even suicide, just take that poor girl Phoebe Prince and all the others who have taken their lives because of constant slagging and bullying.
So, I'm unsure. :/