Forum Discussion

SappySifaka's avatar
5 years ago

Can Maxis please unlock "special" lots?

I understand that "special" lots (the ruins, chalet gardens, and the island bluffs in Windenburg) are a part of the Sims team's effort to ingrain backstory and atmosphere in the game. However... the reality is that locking lots into such niche types is severely restrictive. These locked lots add little to no unique gameplay and limit our ability to create our own stories. I would love to to say that I understand why they did this, but frankly, I can't grasp the thought process behind decisions like these that ultimately limit player control and storytelling. I say it's time to free the lots. If you're going to give us an editable lot, we should be able to freely edit the lot type as well. I kindly request that these special lots be fully unlocked. We shouldn't have to rely on a mod for something so fundamental.