Forum Discussion

ShopGirl98's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Can Someone Help? Trigger Buttons Showing In-game.

I'm not the most tech-savvy person so maybe it's just me being silly, but if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it!

I'm playing for the first time after the update, and as shown in the image, the "RT" and "LT" to switch between family members is shown, and well as the "LB" and "RB" to pause and speed up time.

Is there any way to get rid of this, I find them really distracting and they weren't there before the update.

I'm on Xbox One by the way, thank you in advance! :smile:
  • Thanks @roggek I wasn't sure if I'd done something or pressed something, but I now know it isn't just me.

    I've since seen a report on Answers HQ and have added my image to it. :smile:

    Here is the link if anyone wants to add to the report:

  • "StephenJHolloway;c-17940395" wrote:
    How strange, I wonder why they chose to add this with no option to turn off.

    I was thinking the same thing good for new players but you would think they should give you the option to switch it off when you become more familiar with the game.
  • I'm pretty sure that it was a intentional part of the update to have them showing. Don't know if there is a way to hide them.
  • Thanks @animevamp :smile:

    I wonder why? It seems like a pointless update; there are plenty of in-game guides on the controls. I just don't like anything taking up screen space that doesn't need to be there, haha.

    In saying that, I've been playing for a while and it isn't as distracting as I thought it would be, but I'd still rather be able to get rid of it. :smiley:
  • Unfortunately the "trigger" icons (RT/LT/RB/LB) can't be hidden, even if you choose to "hide" these help icons in the settings...
    Maybe this could be reported to EA: