Forum Discussion

JoRN1414's avatar
5 years ago

Can't stop laughing...

I'm working on a micro home and before I do landscaping I'm playtesting. I am at a "death by murphy bed" of 3 Sims in a 30 tile home just by playtesting. LOL. I had to change out the bed to a twin to playtest the home. I would have left the urns in the home but there's not enough room. LOL. Ok, off to landscape.
  • Everyone's sim is dying so easily. Just for fun, I made a household of 8 adults with 8 murphy beds and none of them died even though I had all 8 of them constantly put their beds up and down and sleep in them. I gave up after 3 sim days. I wanted mine to die and they didn't! lol
  • I wonder if they really intended to have them die so easily or if it's something that they are going to patch out.
  • Mine were all putting the bed down. Not upgraded. I put together a 4th Sim and put her in the house, she went straight for the bed. I paused the game in a panic and replaced the bed. I could have had a pretty decent graveyard though. Maybe I'll make my asylum save have all murphy beds and get 8 ghosties!
  • I'm pretty sure it will be patched to a lower kill rate. If Maxis history holds true. Although, I haven't seen too many people complaining. So, maybe it will stick around for a while.