4 years ago
Career kits
Would you be interested in a career kit?
I haven't bought any kits yet and I won't be buying the current ones, I'm not against them though. But one kit I could see myself buying is a career one..maybe it could include classic careers from Sims 2 or completely new ones. I would really appreciate it as many of the career mods I use are not kept up to date. I'm a little bored of the careers in the game by now. What do you think?
I haven't bought any kits yet and I won't be buying the current ones, I'm not against them though. But one kit I could see myself buying is a career one..maybe it could include classic careers from Sims 2 or completely new ones. I would really appreciate it as many of the career mods I use are not kept up to date. I'm a little bored of the careers in the game by now. What do you think?