"mirta000;c-16020080" wrote:
"MasonGamer;c-15982062" wrote:
You most likely can create them, there are so many breeds, so little time.
No, I'm certainly optimistic Werewolves are coming in a separate Game Pack now that Dogs, Wolves and Humans are defined entities.
it's Good they didn't combine the two Packs, the Stage isn't big enough for 3 Life States.
Reimagined Vampire's Strengths and Weaknesses for Werewolves
Designing the Life state itself, all the variations, manipulations, we could do to create our type of werewolf.
Basic/Default Powers and interactions.
and perhaps a world of their own, Ooh! I'm hoping vast Redwood/Oak/Pine forest, with mountainous terrain, and wide open lakes and 5 super huge (Bigger than 64x64) lots. it's basically just forest and dirt roads, kind of Timeless
What I have planned is, My sims are Aristocratic society with a Werewolf as Head. I have 5 Mansions that are neoclassic themed.
you're assuming that in the limited amount of GPs that they can still do, they will dedicate another to a supernatural life state. We get 2 GPs a year. Even just to do the main supernaturals (witches, werewolves, fairies and vampires), that's 2 years worth of GPs. They're not going to dedicate whole 2 years worth of GPs just to supernaturals.
I doubt that it'll take as much since the ground work for the weakness and power system as well as genetics etc was already done.
I need my witches badly, and werewolves to continue the fued with vampires. Other than that I don't need anything, but I'd love to see ACTUAL plant Sims and genies.
Edit : I'd love to see fairies, but they were kind of meh in Sims 3. I definitely want Elves though!
In my stories, the Elves don't particularly like the vampires since the first vampire hunted them to near extinction when she was alive. (Their leaders were mad though)