Forum Discussion

EnkiSchmidt's avatar
11 months ago

Celebrating the Happy End

Think of your gameplay in terms of a movie or TV show, please! At some point they will have finished a "chapter", "episode" or a longterm goal that ends the save or challenge. That can be finishing a jungle expedition, succesfully having courted The One and Only, complete a restaurant build and train up all employees or anything else that would constitute a Happy End.

Now look at your screenshots (or memories) - What are your sims most likely to do right after a Happy End?

24 Replies

  • I suppose Happy End is a matter of definition. Sometimes snatching a pack of chips while getting carried out of the exclusive bar by the bouncer can be a victory. I play both Team Evil and Team Good, so for every victory of one side, the other has very little to celebrate.

    This was the End of Round 5 screenshot in my active save:
    Two sims kissing, one sim lying on the ground (electroshocked and about to get jailed), one walking away (secretly has feelings for the sim she had to arrest) and one staring into space (sad at the team breaking up). And a droid, because everything is better with droids.
  • When my sims are ultimately done with their story (which usually means a happy end) I move on to another story but keep these sims in my save so I can return to them or meet them as NPCs.

    For my supersim I have taken a screenshot to celebrate each aspiration she finished. I have posted some of them on this forum. Right now I am gathering them all in one thread Callisto's aspiration journey.

    Here are some examples
  • MDianaSims's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    11 months ago
    Be abandoned by their Watcher and fade into oblivion?
    I usually quit playing a save when it's 'done' and start a new story or challenge with new sims. Or I plan to continue but just never do.
    That said, my sims more frequently do not reach 'the end' because they get abandoned halfway through. I used to be able to complete stories, but I seem to have lost that ability somewhere along the way.