Forum Discussion

Samsonguy9000's avatar
7 years ago

Celebrities are an Occult Type. Change my Mind.

Thus far, we have Aliens, Vampires, Plantsims, and Ghosts. All of them with special abilities to varying degrees. I include Plantsims as it is actually still possible to create them, as per

These are all known as Occult Types, or forms a sim can assume beyond just normal old humdrum human. And I just want to say I simply LOVE occult types! They add so much plummin' variety to the game and potential for chaos! Just speaks to my inner villain.
I want to present a new category of occult type, the Celebrity.
"But aren't celebrities just humans with different status than others, Mr. Samsonguy?" And normally I would say, "Yes, Friend." But as we all know, there is absolutely nothing normal about sims.
Where celebritiesims are concerned, they aren't just a different level of status, they are a different level of being. In the real world, you go up to a celebrity and you are most likely going to end up screamed at or tackled to the ground by their bodyguard. In the are IGNORED.
That's right. You will not even exist to them. If you are not on their dimensional level, you are nothing, zilch, nada. Not even a fart in the wind. You have better chances at getting frisky with the Grim Reaper during the Purple Wedding of the Landgraabs than getting an autograph from Holly Alto.
As was revealed during Sim Supply's LP of Get Famous, not even blood relation is a guarantee of recognition.
In S4, celebrities also come with a very fun skill tree that can be used to make so many differences with your sim it may be a long time before they are all explored, especially with the new Reputation feature. It's even larger than the Vampire skill tree, but I hardly see that as diminishing it as one can have a hybrid of both Celebrity and Vampire. Can just imagine the fun that can create in the Acting career.
Whether these powers are used for Good Reputation or Evil is up to you.

I just used this to stir up some ideas for you folks while we await the ultimate ascension of witches to the Sims 4. With what we have had thus far, it might not even compare to what may come.
  • Nope. I love this pack, but nothing about famous Sims fits any of the definitions of the word occult.