I plan adding graves to smaller graveyards that are not tagged cemeteries. I always had small graveyards, but not as a full lot. In a few worlds the graveyard is actually behind a pub, lol. In another it is a snip of a lot that is a Spa. I can travel to Ravenwood for hanging out on a real cemetery, but I don't expect to do that very often. I have not tested if my plan will work, I might be in trouble if we can only throw a funeral ceremony at a cemetery, but I would find that too limiting as a town hall, a lawyer's office or a room at a castle should be good, too, in my book. If problem, I might throw another sort of event but use funeral decorations and actions, I'll just miss out on the do-this-do-that. My sims don't need to throw a gold or silver funeral, if that is even possible. I'll find a way for them to use a lot in their home world.