Forum Discussion

AaronRulz78's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

changing to outside clothing

Do we know how it will work with Sims changing to outside clothing in the winter? Will they automatically change into outer winter clothes from their inside clothes or will we have to constantly go to "change outfit" when they go outside?
  • the real question is "where is the switch?"

    will they switch clothes depending on seasons or if they are inside/outside or will they take the temperature in mind no matter of season or indoor/outdoor.

    i think it will be a temperature system from the dev comments so far, so they might also switch to winter clothes when entering a very cold house or summer clothes if someone is heating like a maniac. its unlikely but if the temperature is different for every room rather than the house as a whole they might even pick up a jacket when going to the cellar. also there could be some flaws with this that need to be handled seperatly so sims dont switch to summer clothing when they approach a fire in winter and stuff. maybe there is a body temperature that takes some time to adapt to the surrounding temperature so a almost dead freezing sims wont switch to lighter clothes the moment they go through a door, of course if heading outside they will pick clothing in advance. best would be if sims need to go to a corresponding item (wardrobe, dresser) to switch clothes and dont do it on the spot.

    we have to see how they have handled it in the end.
  • well just like now you can switch to any clothing at any time while at the same time they automatically change into swimwear, party or wedding outfits. i believe they will change while going outside/inside.
  • If we set clothes for our sims to wear each season, then maybe they will switch when the season changes over. I.E. summer to autumn a sim would go from wearing something cool like shorts to maybe jeans and a jumper. But my guess would be it might be like the sims 3, where when the temperature changes then so does the sims clothes.
  • "sophirlorenstoker;c-16516939" wrote:
    If we set clothes for our sims to wear each season, then maybe they will switch when the season changes over. I.E. summer to autumn a sim would go from wearing something cool like shorts to maybe jeans and a jumper. But my guess would be it might be like the sims 3, where when the temperature changes then so does the sims clothes.

    I hope it's like how you suggested - they automatically change to season-appropriate day to day clothing as the seasons change. Then when they go outside, they change to outerwear in the winter or when it's raining for example.
  • I don't care as long as we don't have to manually change them everytime. :D
  • Make sure to change Sims into their summer outfits or they’ll risk overheating.

    this quote from one of their blog entries kind of had me worried as to whether or not it would be automatic, to be honest.
  • I feel like this update is going to break 100% of the CC clothes because they won't know if the clothing is winter or summer clothes unless they just do it based on the category it's under. If it automatically switches I wonder if it will take CC clothes into consideration or just avoid any outfits with any CC in them. I could see sims glitching out as they try to change clothes autonomously and then realize they have nothing to wear because they can't process their outfits.
  • Now that we have Seasons, warm and cold categories for clothes and a thermostat, I can´t figure out how it should work. Sometimes they change into cold clothes when going outside but not back inside, sometimes not. The thermostat didn´t seem to have any effect on this.