Forum Discussion

ratsrbest's avatar
8 years ago

Count Vladislaus Straud

Or 'von Clod' as I call him. I just can't get my head round his name :)

Anyway, I used to hate him with a passion for the way he'd target my new Sims at night. I learnt to lock the doors but found, to my horror, that he could put his arms through the walls of a downstairs bedroom and daze a sleeping Sim. No more beds against an outside wall for my Sims.

I decided just to delete him when I started a new game but soon realised that it's not too clever to dispose of a rich Sim living in a sumptuous property. So - when I granted Lilith Vatore's wish to raise vampires I had her 'turn' five pretty young vampires and moved them in with von Clod.

After a few Sim days I thought I'd better check on the misery and went in to see how they were all doing together. I couldn't find any of them at first but eventually looked in the basement. There they all were, the girls clustered around the organ and Vlad, absolutely in his element, playing to them. They all looked as if they were having a whale of a time.

He was very good, too, when Lilith asked him to mentor her when she wanted to learn to play.

Now, if I have a vampire-appropriate Game I move a pretty vampire or two in with him if I find any among the Townies.

The best thing, though, was when I dipped my toe in the water to play toddlers - shudders.

I remembered to lock their door but really didn't think old Vlad would bother a household with little kids in it - I'm so naive, the guy's evil :)

Anyway, he turned up all growly and spooky music when one of the toddlers was awake. Well, they're your first line of defence in the event of a vampire attack, right?

Little Ellie went off to the front door and gave him a right telling off (or babbled at him) and he just stood there and took it.

You'll have to picture the scene, I didn't get a photo. Dawn was approaching, the Sun was coming up and Vlad was starting to fry. Tiny little Ellie was standing there showing no signs of letting up and the big bad evil vampire was burning as he tried to get a word in edgeways.

Eventually, he managed it - a mean word at that - and darted off home to the shadows leaving Ellie right miffed at being told off.

She might have finally lost the battle but Vlad was in no doubt he'd been in a fight :)

Anyone else having fun with him?