Forum Discussion
99 Replies
- PurpleCosmonauts4 months agoRising Adventurer
I've been enjoying these events a lot so I'm excited for this
- SEREFRAS4 months agoLegend
I really wish they would just put these in the Base instead of locking them in temporary Rewards events. That being said, I will collect these new winter Rewards stuff & save them in a small room to put in the Gallery just like I did with Reaper Rewards so that all simmers can have them. Also, my test playing sim will start collecting the new outfit/accessories that will come with the new Rewards. PS: I have at lest a few sims with the new glowing eyes saved in the Gallery if any simmer is interested.
- Sara1010p4 months agoSeasoned Ace
I had issues with the first event, the Happy Homes I think it was called, it didn't show up for me the first three weeks I think, but thankfully they figured out what was preventing it and I was able to get all the rewards. The Grim Reaper event I had no issue with, I didn't find it bothersome because I played it in with my normal gameplay, my main Sims already had high enough skills in all that was required and each task each week only took me about 20 mins to complete. If this next event ends up the same way I might wait and play it all at once, So I am looking forward to it. Hopefully it runs smoothly.
- meeshwood4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Reapers rewards never worked for me. I will be really disappointed if this one does not work.
I do like free content though and I don't mind that it's interactive.
- Amalathea4 months agoSeasoned Hotshot
I cannot express how angry it made me logging in today to have this full screen ad slapped across the whole dang screen. I just cannot get behind these events, at all.
If these were scenarios I wouldn't mind but they are not. The last event was basically a malware worm.It brute forced it's way into every save file we have without permission, held our games hostage for weeks, created more bugs than the rewards promised (that is assuming you would have given permission to join the event) & could not be disabled even if users did not want to "participate".
As someone who works in tech with a focus on security these events are user hostile to a point of being revolting.
I understand some people are very excited for this sort of event & as someone else said, I'm happy for you. However from a user friendlyness perspective these events need to be opt out. Not a single one of us signed up for a Battle Pass style game in 2014 10 years & $1,000+ ago. Changing your business model to this extreme midstream release is a good way to make just about everyone unhappy in some way.
I think we really need to ask, why do they even have scenarios if events like this are going to be forced now? - Jeremy_GoneWild4 months agoNew Scout
sigh... again? already? can we just not? I'm so tired of this.
- Reaganbogan4 months agoNew Ace
Ick! The Grim event didn't work for me, so I can't get excited for this. This game is expensive and I can't even get my freebies, highly annoying. Really they should've brought back the Summer of Sims. That was an actual event, low effort fun, only needing a couple of more participation rewards to make it better.
- CoCoB34n4 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I agree there should be an "opt-out" for those who just like to buy the DLC and play at their own pace.
- Silvermoon684 months agoNew Vanguard
I love these events and the chance to win some freebies, I think it's also a great way for players who only have base game to get some extra stuff. ♥
- Miataplay4 months agoLegend
I strongly agree with this comment.
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