Create an [SDX] Tag to Compile all SDX Related Issues on Compiled List
Since we are starting to get a lot more sdx drops (and bugs related to them too) it would help if bugs / issues introduced from those could be given a tag and organized with their own filter button, much like it works with every other pack.
From doing a quick search, i was able to find these issues related to SDX drops (I know I have seen more) but since they aren't categorized with a tag it is hard to find them all in one place. Plus, threads related to SDX's have titles that are hard to interpret given that the title states that it is an SDX drop and date of, rather than what the actual issue is.
Therefore, i think it would be a neat addition to have every SDX related post have the [SDX] tag and be filtered on the compiled list (probably before or after the base game filter) For posts that involve another DLC (such as that GTW one in the image, it could look like [SDX] [GTW] ...
Sul Sul,
Thanks for the suggestion! Adding an SDX tag to the Bug Report forum wouldn't accomplish much as SDX drops are added to the base game via the next patch that rolls out after the SDX.
There also isn't a way to filter the SDX content at present in-game, which makes these harder to track via a tag.