I didn't see a bug report on this over at the
bug-report forum, but I can't search fully as they're organized (mostly) by pack, & I can't tell if this'd be a base-game or an IL-exp bug, for example. It'd be great if --assuming you don't find an existing report yourselves--one of you experiencing this reports it.
It sounds just a bit like the problems going on with toddlers, though it doesn't sound identical, either.
The SimGurus read the bug-reports; you'll see 'em posting over there sometimes, asking for game files when they can't reproduce something, for example. I'm finding that checking that forum reduces my EA-cynicism. :wink:
eta: wild stab-in-the-dark: did you try clearing your caches & emptying the trash-folder (maybe a shut down/restart to be sure no part of the cache is lingering anywhere! :tongue: )? Personally, I've found I have to clear my caches/trash after every gameplay session, or my game gets bollixed-up. I don't think TS4 is really designed for rotational play or save-file-games that have been in use since 2014/15, so my game easily ...gets sick, basically. :lol: