3 years ago
Curved walls feedback
First off I think the introduction of curved walls is neat. It’s something a lot of people have requested and it’s cool to see it implemented. That being said I can’t help but feel the execution, spar...
"crocobaura;c-18163289" wrote:"Simmingal;c-18163027" wrote:
okay so all 2 tile wide doors and windows disappear completely on curved walls didn't they say that they would still show even if clipping
After today's patch they all seem to show if you have MOO enabled. Of course, some don't fit properly, but some do quite nicely. The windows don't all show if you place them with MOO though. I quite like the way this window looks here, wish it were possible to build rooms with this type of overhang feature. I think all the Eco Lifestyle windows would look awesome on curved walls.
I built the coliseum. :)
Even the cute castle doors looks nicely.