Forum Discussion

Valnatron's avatar
6 years ago

Dear Devs, How do I Remove 1st Person View from my game?

Dear Devs,

The title says it all.

I do not like the 1st Person View. Since the update that added this unwanted camera option to my game, I have had my game freeze, my game crash, my save files corrupted, and my screen go black during loading screens. I want to remove it from my game.

If I wanted a 1st person "experience", I would play Fallout 4 or Skyrim or Call of Duty or Destiny 2 or even Minecraft! I do not want a 1st Person experience from Sims 4. I play Sims 4 to create a story, to weave a narrative, not to wander around a house and pick up trash or clean up dog pee. I do that in real life, why would I EVER want to do that in my video game?

I am aware that there are members of the community that enjoy the addition of an optional 1st person view and for them I am happy. I understand that it this camera angle is OPTIONAL to use and for that I am grateful. However, since its UN-optional installation into my game, as I stated before, I have had a number of problems that are only compounding the more I try to play the game. I wish to remove this feature from my game and would like to know how I can achieve this.

~ Valnatron

P.S. For those on the Forum Boards who LOVE this feature, I am happy that you love it and are enjoying it. I, however, am not and simply wish to know how to remove it from my game. I do not want to know why it is "the best game feature ever" or why not wanting it makes me a bad person. I just want to know how to uninstall it. In leu of that, I will accept instruction on how to fix my game as running "repair game" did nothing but delete all my save files.
  • It's highly unlikely that, by simply existing and not being used, the first person camera is creating all those problems in your game. How did you come to the conclusion that it was?
  • LadyKyn's avatar
    New Traveler
    Very strange. There was a lot of things with that update when first person view came with it and it seems pretty doubtful that's the case. First person view is optional of course as you said by going into shift + tab. Doesn't seem any different than going into tab mode with the camera or any other feature introduced by just existing. Dunno how you think it may be that as its the first time I heard of anyone's game doing that due to a feature you don't use.

    If you have any mods you definitely should check and see if they're up to date as well as clearing out your cache. Considering the python update caused issues with a lot of script related mods.

    Never heard of features in a game that's optional to use being able to disable other than them removing it entirely.
  • Game crashing has never corrupted my save and I use FPV extensively. Saved game data is stored in the Scratch folder, so if your game crashes that current data is not saved, and you reload the game back to the last save. Repair game and reset game folder and test.

    A reinstall is more often than not unneeded.
  • Is it possible your computer specs are too low for all the new additions/updates to the game? Like maybe that update that introduced the first person camera mode pushed it over the edge?
  • Doubtful, a feature that simply centers POV from a sims head and renders all walls and ceiling upon using it is unlikely to cause those issues much less corrupt a save, the culprit is something else. Of course, you cannot uninstall it, features are not like that, they are toggle-able.

    If you use mods, do 50/50 if this happened after the patch. Look for LEs. Do a full reset of your Sims 4 folder. Run a new save and check.
  • @Cupid @LadyKyn @Archieonic I agree it sounds odd, which is why I am upset.

    First off, I do not nor have I ever used mods for The Sims.
    Secondly, I DID try the new 1st person feature because I was told by a friend that it was interesting and I wanted to be fair to both the feature and the game and give it a try before condemning it. There are the events that led me to believe it is the new feature that corrupted my game.

    I went into 1st person camera mode, wandered around my Sim house, picked up some dirty dishes, cleaned up a mess made by the dog my Sim was trying to house-break (as mentioned in my original post) and then the game froze. I waited. The screen went black but the music continued to play. I hit Control-Alt-Delete to bring up the task manager but nothing happened. It did not close the game or bring me to the desktop where I could force quit the game. I had to do a hard reboot to get my computer.

    Upon opening my game, I was informed that the last save had been corrupted (I only have one game at this time) and I had to go to a previous save. Upon entering that save, the game immediately placed me in 1st person camera mode, as that was the last camera mode I had used. As I tried to return to another camera mode my game crashed back to the desktop. I was able to get back into Sims, change the camera angle and began to play. After a few minutes, I sent my Sim to the dog park at which time the loading screen popped up and remained up for about 2 minutes before my game crashed.

    Thus is how I deduced that it was the camera that caused the issues. Again, I do not play with mods for The Sims 4. There is the possibility that the DLC did not install properly, but I will need time to uninstall and reinstall the entire game to test this.
  • "Pamtastic72;c-16937188" wrote:
    Is it possible your computer specs are too low for all the new additions/updates to the game? Like maybe that update that introduced the first person camera mode pushed it over the edge?

    Good point, whenever I jump into FPV my FPS take a serious hit (loss of 10-40) I typically run the game at 80-100 FPS so it is not that noticeable but depending on specs it could definitely halt the game. On some lots that are heavy, my FPS can go from 125 to 20 in FPV.
  • Kita5399's avatar
    New Spectator
    You may want to post this issue at
    You could also check in with @SimGuruNick